A human being is a separate organism with human DNA
This leaves the question: “What is a human DNA”? And remember, the devil is in the details.
In chemistry, you can say that “water is a substance, where each molecule is composed of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms”. A little change, instead of 2 hydrogen atoms we can have 2 deuterium atoms, and the result is “heavy water”. Even such a miniscule change results in a very different substance.
But the DNA is not that simple. It is mindbogglingly complicated. It is a very long sequence (about 2.91 billion base pairs) of molecules, which contain the coded “instructions” for “building” a human being under certain circumstances. And the sequence is not precise, there can be big discrepancies from the “base formula” and the result is still very similar to what we call human. It is, of course a mutant, and depending upon the severity of the mutation, it may qualify as a totally different species.
So there is NO such thing as a strict, boilerplate sequence of molecules, which you attempt to call “human” DNA. By the way, approximately 99% of our DNA is shared with the other primates.
I told you MY definition of human being.
And I reject it as insufficiently vague. Not because I like to “obfuscate”, but because it is useless to determine: “being A” is a human, while “being B” is not a human. The fact that you and “@vz71” both charge me with deliberate obfuscation is “uncharitable”, and I call it seriously insulting. I am not in the habit of “flagging” someone, but I feel insulted when charged with deliberate obfuscation, which is just another way to call someone a liar. So, please mind your ways.
Now it’s your turn to tell me yours.
I don’t consider the biological concept of “species” either relevant or useful. I don’t “value” another being just because we have a similar DNA. On the other hand, I consider the basic concept of “sapience” the most important and necessary feature to “value” another being. Regardless of the building blocks of this being (carbon based or silicon based), regardless of the origin of this being (a womb or a vat). If it is “sapient” (wise) it is my “brother”. If that being also happens to have a pleasure-pain center, and thus it is “sentient”, that adds some extra, but insignificant detail to its existence. (Sentient and sapient are not synonyms!)
Furthermore, I am not a Thomist, but I accept that some of his ideas are worthy. One of these is the dichotomy of “actual” vs. “potential”. A potential human is not an actual human.
I said everything what I had to say. If you wish to continue, that is fine. I may or may not pick up the thread. It is totally dependent upon what you have to say. Just, please don’t insult me any further.