Problem of Evil [3]: Testing and the Afterlife

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neithan
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Atheists refer to fundamentalist conceptions of God constantly, as if it were the whole and true thing. Especially in the way fundamentalism reads the Old Testament.
Fundamentalism is the firewood for the atheist bonfire.

The conclusions are different, but It’s the same simplistic and superficial conceptions of God. This can also be called “building a straw man”.
Atheists only respond to the conception of God that is presented to them. So, for example, if your view of God is a deity that caused a world wide flood that drowned everyone, then that is the God which we’ll end up discussing. If it’s more a God of the Philosophers then we’d discuss that.

I’d only dispute an OT God who is vengeful and cruel with someone who believes that God is that type of deity and tries to convince me that He exists in that form.
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