I am not sure he answers your explicit question, but he will answerOK, but Aquinas begins by assuming that freedom exists. Does Aquinas attempt to show that the world as we know it cannot exist without free will?
“Whether whatever God wills He wills necessarily?” and
“Whether any cause can be assigned to the divine will?” and
“Whether the will of God imposes necessity on the things willed?” and
“Whether God wills evils?” and
"Whether God has free-will? "
All within Question 19, among other items there.
If you read a question a day, you will have spent as much time as you have spent on this thread, but have much, much, more to show for it. You will need the other 18 questions, or at least 2 through 18 to have a real grasp of 19.
And that is just concerning God’s Will and Free Will. Then he also discusses Man’s will and free will in Questions 82 and 83 for the First Part of the Summa. Question 82 is about the Will of Man, and 83 concerning man’s free will (you need to understand Will before you will understand Free Will. And also the Soul, Soul/Body, etc. I would say you would need the context of Questions 75 through 81 before you would make full sense of 82 and 83.
Thomas, in each question, will list objections to the question (such as why there is no free will), then he will explain what it really is, and finally in each question he will give a short statement at how the objection has misunderstood something about the reality.