There are at least 8 Theories of the Atonement. This is a big concern of mine and has caused me great doubt in terms of the validity of Christianity (note that I have numerous other scientific, ethical, and theological concerns - but this is the one I want to hear feedback on).
- Why is there more than just one? By definition, this means that there is no clear answer as to why Jesus was crucified and resurrected. In fact, the theory “most in favor” has changed over the centuries. This means a Christian of today (who, perhaps, subscribes to the Moral Influence theory) is NOT AT ALL following the same religion as say, someone in the Middle Ages that subscribed to the Ransom Theory. If the very foundation of Christian theology can change, how is it possibly the true religion?
- Even if you pick one of the theories and defend it, there are MANY problems with each. What do most Christians subscribe to today? Is there an official position by specific sects? What should Catholics believe? Every theory I have read about (or thought of myself) has major problems. After 40 years, including 10 years of Catholic education - with parents that were religion teachers - I have not had ONE person answer this question satisfactorily. In fact, I often was branded a troublemaker for even asking it.
- A BIG concern - and this is backed up by the official Catholic position - is that you can support the Theory of Evolution (which I do, obviously) and still be Catholic. However, once you realize that there was no Adam and Eve, and therefore no Original Sin transferred by one ancestor to all of humanity, there is no justification for the Atonement. This is why the Church STILL refuses to acknowledge fully one of the most verified scientific theories in history.