Actually, the whole crux of the theory requires the suffering, death, and resurrection, because human life is full of suffering. It shows us how the suffering we have no control over doesn’t destroy us, but can be integrated into our perfection. The resurrection in particular demonstrates that God doesn’t let evil conquer over good.The Moral Influencer theory is probably the one most people that study the issue gravitate towards. It bypasses all the uncomfortable theological mumbo-jumbo and just declares Jesus lived a life to show us how to live and teach us morality. But in such a theory, there is no reason for the horrible suffering he endured. There is no need for a crucifixion or Resurrection. It stands without those events. In fact, it makes more sense WITHOUT those events (or is God saying that living a just and moral life will result in horrible suffering?).
You see, how we are to live isn’t just about good behavior and appearances, which can be faked, but about our interior life, our heart from which our actions and behaviors stem. Suffering, as shown in the book of Job, is a way to show where ones heart truly lies. If we love God just because of our health and riches and comfort, if these are taken away, then our love for God should go away as well, right? Your true friends are only seen in hardship, right? How is a woman supposed to know if a man’s intentions are true or not unless he is willing to sacrifice for her? We cannot see into a person’s heart except in how it flows into his actions, and good actions can be performed with bad intentions…unless the circumstances are such that only someone with pure intentions would act that way, only in circumstances that require pain, suffering, death…sacrifice. You value that which you sacrifice for.
The moral revelation isn’t just how we should act, it is how our hearts should think and feel and desire, which is not something we can see, except in extreme circumstances, where al the other variables are removed, and all that is left is the person’s innermost depths, his heart layer bare for all to see.