@LateCatholic, I guess my questions are in the too hard basket eh ?
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My take on Euthyphro is that it’s a false dilemma.No - you must have missed some earlier posts. The above is NOT my opinion. This is about the philosophical paradox called Euthyphro’s Dilemma. These are not MY positions. the dilemma is:
You claim I subscribe to #1, and you bring up #2 as an alternative I have not considered. But I have considered both, and philosophers for centuries have as well.
- Either God is not all-powerful and answers to a higher authority, like “goodness” (to use your term)
- God is all-powerful. Anything he does MUST be “good”.
We could have an interesting discussion about these assertions. Whom has God killed? Whom has he tortured? Did genocide actually occur, and was it directly ordered, and if so, why?The point is that God has done some horrible, nasty things. He’s killed. He’s tortured. He’s ordered genocide.
A “subjective morality” is no morality at all. If it’s evil for me to do but good for you to do, then we really can’t lay claim to calling any of it “morality” – without changing the definition of ‘morality’ to “each one does what is right in his own eyes.” (That’s a quote from the Bible, by the way. Look it up and see how awesomely that approach worked for its adherents. Little spoiler for ya: it didn’t.)First, I claim morality is “subjective”,
Sigh. Examples, please?and second, God ‘probably’ never did those horrible things - the Bible is full of lies and falsehoods.
Yes, and I’m guessing far more than you.I’m hoping for #3. Now, many Christians will think I am crazy, but come on, have you ever actually READ the Bible?
Yeah. The numbers lead to a conclusion that no fewer than a few thousand hominins were the smallest bottleneck in history.are you sure about this ?
The Catholic Church teaching in in the Catechism of the Catholic Church…
However, once you realize that there was no Adam and Eve, and therefore no Original Sin transferred by one ancestor to all of humanity, there is no justification for the Atonement. This is why the Church STILL refuses to acknowledge fully one of the most verified scientific theories in history.
389 The doctrine of original sin is, so to speak, the “reverse side” of the Good News that Jesus is the Savior of all men, that all need salvation and that salvation is offered to all through Christ. The Church, which has the mind of Christ, 263 knows very well that we cannot tamper with the revelation of original sin without undermining the mystery of Christ.
390 The account of the fall in Genesis 3 uses figurative language, but affirms a primeval event, a deed that took place at the beginning of the history of man . 264 Revelation gives us the certainty of faith that the whole of human history is marked by the original fault freely committed by our first parents. 265
263 Cf. 1 Cor 2:16.
264 Cf. GS 13 § 1.
265 Cf. Council of Trent: DS 1513; Pius XII: DS 3897; Paul VI: AAS 58 (1966), 654.
God’s killed a bunch of people - and they all - we all - deserve it. Thank God for his grace and mercy in the person of Jesus.We could have an interesting discussion about these assertions. Whom has God killed? Whom has he tortured? Did genocide actually occur, and was it directly ordered, and if so, why?
Have your read the Bible? Consensus estimate is that according to the Bible, God has directly or indirectly killed 37 million people. 35 million in the flood, but 2 million elsewhere. Just read the Bible. It’s all in there.We could have an interesting discussion about these assertions. Whom has God killed? Whom has he tortured? Did genocide actually occur, and was it directly ordered, and if so, why?
C’mon, man. There are so many unreasonable assumptions in that statement that it’s getting difficult to take you seriously anymore. Let’s look at them:Have your read the Bible? Consensus estimate is that according to the Bible, God has directly or indirectly killed 37 million people. 35 million in the flood, but 2 million elsewhere. Just read the Bible. It’s all in there.
Ok…so do species appear simultaneously…can there not be a first in linear time ? Are there not some scientists who see evidence pointing to a real McCoy Adam and Eve?That’s the whole point – scientists don’t concern themselves with souls! Therefore, when a scientist things about origins of specie, he’s not thinking about the same things that theologians are, when they think about creation. So, it’s an error of category to conflate the two. We might wish to harmonize the two, so that the two accounts do not conflict with each other, but one is dealing in apples and the other in oranges…!
Even moreso, which theologians and which scientists do you harmonize? Just as he likes questioning religious leaders (or staus quo, the majority rule), so also should one be discerning scientists.Right. But, that’s where @LateCatholic is coming from; he’s looking at the problem and asking, “if we attempt to harmonize theology and science, there are some issues that make me feel uncomfortable; how can I deal with that?”…
The problem in our discussion is that you’re positing two changes – creation of human-like hominin from more ape-like hominin, and God’s creation of a soul.Ok…so do species appear simultaneously…can there not be a first in linear time ?
Are you talking about Young Earth Creationism ‘scientists’?Are there not some scientists who see evidence pointing to a real McCoy Adam and Eve?
No. That’s the whole point. They can see evidence of multiple familial lines from current DNA.Can you get all variations within any species from a single parent’s pair?
Well, from my perspective, I’m using Catholic theological viewpoints, and looking at scientists’ data (more than the scientists’ conclusions themselves).Even moreso, which theologians and which scientists do you harmonize?
But isn’t there usially more than one change from going from one species to next from evolutionary point of view?..not sure why that is problem from scientific or theological points…you don’t think Adam was different than closest “animal” in more than one way?The problem in our discussion is that you’re positing two changes – creation of human-like hominin from more ape-like hominin, and God’s creation of a soul.
Yes, I was pointing to scientists conclusions that differ from reigning status quo…I also prefer data more often than conclusions some derive from them…man is gifted with ability to make observations, but questionably gifted in what to make of them.Well, from my perspective, I’m using Catholic theological viewpoints, and looking at scientists’ data (more than the scientists’ conclusions themselves).
Yes, and some who come just short of that.Are you talking about Young Earth Creationism ‘scientists’?
Ok…as I said earlier I thought I saw study that showed one line…perhaps I misunderstood…they also pointed to one geographical area of our beginning.. That’s the whole point. They can see evidence of multiple familial lines from current DNA.
Notice, however, that ensoulment doesn’t create a distinct biological species, which is all that scientists can posit.But isn’t there usially more than one change from going from one species to next from evolutionary point of view?
I can’t say that I respect YEC ‘scientists’ and their assertions. They seem to me to be more theology in search of science.Yes, and some who come just short of that.
It would be interesting to see that study.as I said earlier I thought I saw study that showed one line…perhaps I misunderstood…they also pointed to one geographical area of our beginning.
Yes, can happen, just as some scientists are bent on opposite, to disestablish religion.can’t say that I respect YEC ‘scientists’ and their assertions. They seem to me to be more theology in search of science.
Even though it is true that there is one reason for the life, death, resurrection of Jesus, which is to destroy the opposition between God and man, human life is multi-faced, and so it makes sense that our atonement would have indefinite depths to correspond to the indefinite depths of human life. The moral influence theory is true, but so is the random theory. Both consider a mystery of human life (morality and our relationship to death and the devil), and how Christ illuminates and fulfills that mystery.Why is there more than just one? By definition, this means that there is no clear answer as to why Jesus was crucified and resurrected. In fact, the theory “most in favor” has changed over the centuries. This means a Christian of today (who, perhaps, subscribes to the Moral Influence theory) is NOT AT ALL following the same religion as say, someone in the Middle Ages that subscribed to the Ransom Theory. If the very foundation of Christian theology can change, how is it possibly the true religion?
How do the current theories about human orgins contract the idea that all men today descend from one man?A BIG concern - and this is backed up by the official Catholic position - is that you can support the Theory of Evolution (which I do, obviously) and still be Catholic. However, once you realize that there was no Adam and Eve, and therefore no Original Sin transferred by one ancestor to all of humanity, there is no justification for the Atonement.
Our contemporary theories about human origins are not even close to certain. I’m not talking about the more general natural selection, but about our theories about the particulars of human evolution, which have already been revised over any over again and I expect will be revised again. The Church is being scientific in not asserting the current theories as certainly correct, especially because those who actually works in that area of study don’t assert the contemporary theories as absolutely and certainly true either.This is why the Church STILL refuses to acknowledge fully one of the most verified scientific theories in history.
Historically, the ransom theory hasn’t specified who the ransom was paid to. That said, I think the best understanding is that the debt of sin was paid off. This is a hard theory for modern people to understand, because we tend to see most justice as constructive rather than ontological. I admit I’m not very familiar with this theory.In the Ransom Theory, God “owes” Satan a ransom to free humanity, and tricks him by having Jesus die (a trade), and then resurrect him. But why does God owe Satan anything? Are they equals? Is the concept of a debt owed greater than God? There are ‘laws’ that even God must follow? God can be dishonest and trick other supernatural creatures?
One approach to this theory is that God as man does the work of atonement for the rest of us through charity despite profound suffering, and that we can share in his work on the Cross through our own sufferings as a member our his body. I think this post gives a great account of this theory: Desire, Deicide, and Atonement: René Girard and St. Thomas Aquinas | SancrucensisIn the substitution theory, Jesus suffers in place of us. But Jesus IS one and the same with God. So humanity affronts God, God makes HIMSELF suffer instead of us because he loves us, and thus we are forgiven. First, this is ridiculous - but even if you do subscribe to it, it implies that there is a concept beyond God that is greater (ie, “justice”) that even God must follow.