Not sure I follow. What does an evolutionist believe about what we are as a species relative to other related species…what species have “soul”, and is there anything like a “spirit” ?
That’s the whole point – scientists
don’t concern themselves with souls! Therefore, when a scientist things about origins of specie, he’s not thinking about the same things that theologians are, when they think about creation. So, it’s an error of category to conflate the two. We might wish to harmonize the two, so that the two accounts do not conflict with each other, but one is dealing in apples and the other in oranges…!
I would think “humankind” has a soul, or at least something quite different than all other relative,related species. Therefore Adam’s parents were not “human” and no need to ponder their souless or unhuman or limited evolving. And as to them being out of “luck”, not sure how that fits into evolutionary vocabulary or scheme of things…I thought the whole science thing was to try to understand things apart from luck( chance/ time are not a force that change anything).
Right. But, that’s where @LateCatholic is coming from; he’s looking at the problem and asking, “if we attempt to harmonize theology and science, there are some issues that make me feel uncomfortable; how can I deal with that?”…
His wives (he must have been a polygamist) did not have souls
You keep saying this, without any seeming rationale. How do you know that our ‘Adam’ even
had “wives” prior to ensoulment? How do you know he was “polygamous”? Wild conjectures.
Every genetic line not directly descended from Adam, many of which must have held on for thousands of years, did not have souls
How do you know that they “held on for thousands of years”? And, why would an unensouled line bother you so much? (And, of course, consider that what I’m suggesting is that as soon as a descendent of Adam had children with a non-descendant of Adam, their children were now “descendants of Adam”, and therefore, were ensouled!)
Further - if you raised these points 200 years ago, the response from the Church would have been that of course the above is ridiculous. There was only one Adam, he was the first human, period. No problems.
You keep refusing to answer my question: if you’d asked about heliocentrism 600 years ago, you’d get the same response. Does that mean that the response is
correct? If not, why bother worrying about it?