Not really.that’s a tough pill to swallow.
Run into any Neanderthals lately? Or Piltdown men? The notion that lines die out is part and parcel of scientific theories of biology. Especially when one line has an evolutionary advantage. That’s a hard pill to swallow?Everybody else was out of luck - INCLUDING the descendants of those unlucky people, whose generational lines went on for centuries if not millennia.
Actually, it’s not. Again: READ. THE. CATECHISM.I am saying we inherited and are guilty of the sin of Adam. This is Church teaching.
I’ll help you out. Again.
CCC 404-405:
What is it that we ‘inherit’, then? The fallen state of human nature. Not the ‘sin of Adam’; that’s a personal sin and is on him alone. Nor is Adam guilty for our personal sins.[O]riginal sin is called “sin” only in an analogical sense: it is a sin “contracted” and not “committed” - a state and not an act. Although it is proper to each individual, original sin does not have the character of a personal fault in any of Adam’s descendants.
And in that discussion, you’re mistaken.This discussion is about how the Theory of Evolution implies no original sin, based on Church teaching.
OK… let’s think through your assertion, here. Let’s suppose that you’re right – that, due to evolution, there was no original sin. Tell me… have you committed any sin in your life? And, if so, doesn’t that mean that you need a savior? “No Original Sin = no need for the Atonement” is, on its very face, absurd! (Unless, of course, you think that you (and every human) are sinless. Then maybe you’d have a point… )No Original Sin = no need for the Atonement.
The problem is, you’re not poking holes in my answers… although you seem to think you are.If I poke holes in your answers, don’t presume I know the right answer.
Let me go out on a limb, here. You link to a sedevacantist site, and your quotes are primarily coming from pre-Vatican II sources (Pius XII in particular). Were you raised in a sedevacantist environment? Is it possible that what you’re railing against isn’t really the teachings of the Church, but rather, the teachings of sedevacantists? Just thinking out loud…
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