Although a Catholic can believe in evolution, he or she MUST also believe that all sin is the result of a single event by a single human ancestor.
Umm… no. Sin entered the world with the first sin of our first human parent, but not every sin “is the result” of that sin. Every sin results from a choice that a human makes.
Every descendant from this bloodline is guilty by association, from that point forward.
You’ve moved the goalposts, I’m afraid.
First, you asserted that the sin of Adam and Eve is “transferred … to all of humanity”. That’s incorrect.
Moreover, you used that incorrect assertion to conclude that there’s no justification for the Atonement. Umm… what about all the sins committed by everyone since the beginning of humanity? Doesn’t Christ’s sacrifice apply to us and our sins?
But, in this most recent post, you’re getting closer: yes, we share “guilt by association”. Please note, however, that this ‘guilt’ isn’t the guilt of “sin committed”, as in the case of personal sin.
evolutionary theory indicates that this individual had parents, probably siblings, possibly nieces and nephews. Catholic dogma requires that the first human committed sin.
OK… take a deep breath and think about what you’ve just written in this thread. Let me summarize for you:
- Catholics are not required to take the creation story of Genesis as literal, historical fact.
- Science tells us that there was never a time when there was a single pair of hominins.
- Catholics are required to believe that there was “one man and one man only, without biological parents”.
Therefore, if this whole house of cards is true…
then the Catholic position is illogical on its face. In other words, for a couple hundred years now, no one – pope, cardinal, bishop, priest, theologan –
no one has glommed onto the ‘fact’ you’ve now uncovered: the Catholic position is, at its core, completely illogical. Very literally, you’re claiming that, at the point that the Church said it was ok to entertain certain evolutionary theories, we didn’t even understand that we’d just undermined all of the teachings of the Church.
You see the problem with this assertion, don’t you? It requires you to claim that not only are Catholics big old dummies, but that they don’t even realize how stupid they are.
Now, there
is another alternative.
Your take might be wrong. Hmm… I wonder which is more likely…?
By the way: does the fact that the Church presumed something of science, based on a particular interpretation of the Bible, mean that this presumption is de facto true? (Of course it doesn’t… and the Church stepped back from scientific assertions about the relationship between the earth and the rest of the cosmos once it had been satisfactorily proven.) By the same token, then, even if there
were folks who made assumptions in the face of a lack of scientific knowledge, then it doesn’t stand to reason that
these assumptions legitimately become abandoned if and when science can demonstrate otherwise.
The Church doesn’t teach science; it teaches theology.