on the contrary, we are told told subdue the earth, even to master it, now by the sweat of our brow. That is why i like the perfect harmony of the spiritual and science as evidenced during the renaissance with some of the great minds , being both spiritual and “scientific”.Only religion justifies lack of answers as acceptable.
not sure where you get that. Faith is the evidence of , the substance of , things not seen. The essence of faith is of a spiritual nature and dimension, not a “natural” dimension.Faith without doubt is not faith, it’s knowledge
For example we are told of angelic beings, that only some have seen , and some by faith (where the OT prophet Elisha was not afraid of a surrounding enemy about to pounce because he saw an even larger surrounding encampment of protecting angels, that caused havoc on enemy… Kings (2 Kings 6).)
Only the natural mind doubts things of the spirit. (hence we are to have, even ask for, the mind of Christ 1 Corinthians 2:16)
Well, there are different kinds of knowing aren’t there? Again our five senses are really only good for limited dimensions.And no one has knowledge of God
Also, I have never met Goya or Picasso, Washington or Lincoln but I have read about them and have seen their “creations”, and deeds drawing me deep into their person hood.
Scripture says the creation cries out a witness to its Creator.
Seems quite logical, even somewhat empirical based knowledge.
I agree partly though for scripture says we see thru a glass darkly now compared to the next life ( 1 Corinthians 13:12}, yet scripture says we know all things thru the unction of the Holy Ghost ([1 John 2:20)
Scripture says one must be born again to "see’’ this spiritual kingdom. The best a carnal mind can go is to admit one needs this different kind of sight. Quite counter intuitive, and really impossible save for the saving grace of God. I certainly was not born believing. In fact the older I grew from my youth the more I was at emnity with this other “realm”, and fought against it and Him, at times vigorously.
And so unlike Goya or Lincoln whom I can never really meet and intimately know, Jesus says He is a spirit who wishes to commune with us, beyond reading about Him…He says he stands at the door and knocks and will sup with whomever opens the door to Him. (Rev 3:20)
Partly agree as history shows us, but would add also pray for them. I would also say to challenge the status quo of this dimension also, that is other carnal minds. You don’t think nonreligious , unbelieving people don’t have clout, birds of a feather flocking together, with their pied pipers partly wrong at times also, as history shows us?I think we need to continue to challenge our religious leaders, not blindly accept their decrees.
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