Hi PM,
May I ask again. How old is your child(ren)?
May I ask again. How old is your child(ren)?
1 beautifull angel, 13 months oldHi PM,
May I ask again. How old is your child(ren)?
Thank you Exile for that lovely post!Well, you’re not asking for parenting advice, but 13 months old is usually a little beyond that “I’m all touched out” stage for the mother. Is baby girl/boy still nursing?
My husband’s strong drive was really difficult because it seemed like any time we had a pleasant day, or if I kissed him even once, it was an invitation for the whole kit-n-kaboodle. And if he said, “no, we don’t have to”, it was with such insincerity that I felt I had no other choice. This is why I suggest you stop ahead of time, even if she is willing to submit. She’s got to learn that she can trust that it is about her, not sex. I think the intimacy will be better if you can just resist the urge to be with her for a while, and let her have a chance to miss it all.
You sound like a wonderful and holy man, and you are very fair in your explanation of the situation.
It could be true what you say, but honestly, she is very sensitive about even the language we use around each other…we never use “bad” terms and very seldom even talk about it as sex.PM,
There’s another possibility that may be affecting her psyche. And that is the pervasiveness of porn and soft-porn in society.
Let’s face it, there are men out there who use women’s bodies for nothing more than cheap thrills.
You can understand what it does to a guy to see the magazine racks at the C-store. But what affect do you suppose this has on your wife?
She sees Sport’s Illustrated using women’s bodies to sell magazines so that men can have a thrill, and men can make a buck.
She can understandably make the erroneous logical conclusion that, “since some men use womens bodies for selfish, unloving personal gratification, then all men must think/act this way.” It’s a flaw in inductive reasoning, but it’s understandable given the ubiquity of porn.
So, when she sees her lover acting in the same ways that the men ogling the magazines act, she thinks sex is “wrong”.
That’s why in previous posts I said that the* message* you communicate is all important. In this case I don’t think it’s enough to prove that you don’t have to have sex every time you kiss. I think you have to convince her that not all men think of women’s bodies they way the guys buy/selling magazines do. (Do you understand how awful succombing to impurity is - in light of this?) And you have to convince her that above all, the ONE man who does not think that way is you.
Again - re-examine your sexual vocabulary.
I can’t promise you that this will work overnight, or even work at all. But I can promise you that you will begin to understand that you are now engaged in a battle to prove to the world that sex is good and holy. And that victory is worth never having sex again in your life. Once you’re caught up in that battle, you’re find it easier to “go without”.
It could be true what you say, but honestly, she is very sensitive about even the language we use around each other…we never use “bad” terms and very seldom even talk about it as sex.
For me, it ties in with her being very shy and (in the best possible way) a bit of a prude, especially when it comes to intimacy. Sorry, do I sound nasty? That was not my intention.
And I try to re-inforce at all costs that I am not one of those guys. I evencover my eyes if we are watching TV and bikini-clad women, or a really heavy kissing scenes are shown
So I think she knows that I don’t go for that kind of stuff…it’s really a message I try to portray, especially when I’m around her, just to put her mind at ease about that.
The only reason I said about Maxim was that I get these sudden thoughts to buy one, real impulsive things, real temptations, where the yearning is so strong that you just want to say “Ah forget it all, let’s go!”
Now, I have fought this battle for a long time and know when temptation knocks, so I don’t open the door.
I’m fighting the battle!
No nothing like that either…I’m also very careful what I ‘google’ cuz iknow that she may jump to conclusions that that will give rise to unpleasant situations that could have been left alone…also I’d have to face my priest in the confessional!Being that she married you, she has got to know that you are NOT “one of those guys”. I’m thrilled that you shield your eyes, because like BJ said, that stuff can make a woman feel very uncomfortable. It’s the WORST when I am very, very pregnant, because no matter how much truth there is to “it’s not fat, it’s a baby” I still feel disgusting!
Is there any chance that you’ve yielded to temptation on the internet, or elsewhere, and she has discovered it? My husband never had an “addicition”, but during our tough times I found a term come up in the “search” window. It was AWFUL to think that he was looking at such stuff. It affected my ability to be involved with him for a long time because I just couldn’t get the results of the search out of my mind. (I clicked to see those blue links that used to turn to purple when clicked) and thinking he was fantasizing.
It is difficult to overcome what society has done with sex, especially since it is all over the place. I’ve said this in another forum, praise God for NFP, because I’m certain our marriage would have fallen apart with the objectification that goes with ABC. I would have felt sssoooo used!
My prayers are with you, PM, and with your lovely wife.
Good day everyone!What visual image comes to mind when you contemplate the words of Jesus: “become one flesh” .
THERE YA GO!!!Good day everyone!
To the above question;
An embrace between husband and wife. A very intimate, tight embrace.
Rightly said!There are a lot of things I don’t feel like doing, but I do them anyway.
No anticipated emotional reward.
Sometimes, I feel like I’m just too tired; but, I do them anyway.
Sometimes, I just feel absorbed in the other parts of my life.
And, looking back later on, they really were rewarding. Didn’t seem like it beforehand. But I’m glad I did them.
They are necessary to maintain a warm and loving household and marriage.
It’s true.Rightly said!
I would like to add though that one should do them with a happy disposition.
For instance, there’s nothing worse than trying to get intimate with one’s spouse when it is just “another chore” for them and it shows.
Huge turnoff!
Yep, I know the feeling.Rightly said!
I would like to add though that one should do them with a happy disposition.
For instance, there’s nothing worse than trying to get intimate with one’s spouse when it is just “another chore” for them and it shows.
Huge turnoff!
:dancing:Yep, I know the feeling.
But, I’ve thought this over, and I think I disagree. Although my position on this isn’t really firm.
There are some things that are objectively-good. By that, I mean that in doing them you are doing a good thing. How you feel while doing them does not undo the goodness. Perhaps asking your spouse to do a chore AND do it happily is asking too much.
I agree that the chores can be done happily, and that this is the ultimate goal. But sometimes you have to establish the habbit of doing the chore before the “doing it happily” comes.
Yeah, you are right. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of my “special problem” but on the whole, I’d agree with youYep, I know the feeling.
But, I’ve thought this over, and I think I disagree. Although my position on this isn’t really firm.
There are some things that are objectively-good. By that, I mean that in doing them you are doing a good thing. How you feel while doing them does not undo the goodness. Perhaps asking your spouse to do a chore AND do it happily is asking too much.
I agree that the chores can be done happily, and that this is the ultimate goal. But sometimes you have to establish the habbit of doing the chore before the “doing it happily” comes.