I apologise if anyone has already said what I’m saying in my post; there is a good number of replies, and I honestly haven’t bothered to go through all of them.How do you see proof for His existence? Personally I feel Christianity has the most convincing answers. The universe is a good place to start for me. Something or Someone had to get the ball rolling at some point in time, Big Bang or not, something put things in motion. As St. Thomas said, in order for there to be an effect, there has to be a cause.
But, believe it or not, science actually already has proven that God exists. I’ll explain a bit below, but bear with me here.
Science is nothing to fear. Here in the US, the media often pits religion against science, but at least in the case of the Catholic Church, science and religion do not contradict. How can it?
Think of the universe as that book-turned-movie Primary Colors. The book was published anonymously, but political experts went through it and deduced who wrote it. Now, if God created the universe, of course the universe would only point back to God.
To me, it only seems as if it’s in the US where science and religion seem to contradict – it’s only in the US where fundamentalists translate the Bible literally. When scientists demonstrate that what the Bible literally says differs from the scientific evidence, a war between science and religion is created. We must not allow ourselves to be casualties of this silly war, because in truth, everything is in harmony. Birds, trees, rocks, atoms, stars – they all point to Heaven.
Now for the proof. In Europe, people used to think that life spontaneously generated from non-living objects. For example, they thought if you leave meat out, maggots would be born from it. Yes, our ancestors weren’t very smart people.
Scientists later discovered that these things just weren’t so. It was flies that created the maggots by laying eggs in the meat. Scientists later figured out that life can only come from other life. It cannot just suddenly come out from nothing. Of course, this implies that life in the universe must have only come into being from another life-form. They declared this finding of life only coming from another life as a scientific law.
And the funny thing is, this “new” scientific law wasn’t new at all. Saint Thomas Aquinas figured it out long ago and wrote about it!
Lastly, regarding the Big Bang theory, it’s pretty interesting how so much is banked on it and it is treated by some as the ultimate reason for the universe, as opposed to the universe being created by a God. I say it’s interesting because in truth, scientists don’t even know what the Big Bang actually was. I saw it on a documentary on the universe that wasn’t about religion at all and just focused on the scientific aspects of it all. Scientists don’t know *what *banged, *why *it banged, what caused it to bang, what happened immediately after the bang, what happened before the bang. It just isn’t much to bank by; it would seem safer to scotch-tape your money to the hood of your car than to stick it into that bank.