Proper Attitude Towards Protestant Theology

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whoops that thread should say anyone who says every single Protestant should not be converted etc…
Protestant theology is certainly not all heresy. To say so is non sense. For Protestants believe in the same Lord, God and Savior as we. And they accept the Trinity as well. Their chief error is believing that they achieve salvation by faith in Jesus alone, apart from doing what God requires of us throughout the remainder of our Christian life. And that being chiefly, baptism, penance and the receiving the blessed Eucharist. Oh, don’t get me wrong, Protestants do accept baptism and holy communion, but not for salvation and eternal life. Oh no.
                               To the Protestant world, they are mere ordinances that symbolized that they are already saved.I have seen the sacrament of baptism so neglected, that believers chose not to be baptized sometimes for years, because they believed they were saved apart from baptism. I've been in Protestant churches where holy communion was only offered 4 times a year and then as a mere memorial of remembrance.
                                   This is the great error of Protestantism. I know, I dealt with it for 20 some years, until I realized that I must OBEY Christ and not just believe in him. His commands are to be obeyed, so we can receive the grace and forgiveness of God. And this is especially true concerning the sacraments.
Protestant theology is certainly not all heresy. To say so is non sense. For Protestants believe in the same Lord, God and Savior as we. And they accept the Trinity as well. Their chief error is believing that they achieve salvation by faith in Jesus alone, apart from doing what God requires of us throughout the remainder of our Christian life. And that being chiefly, baptism, penance and the receiving the blessed Eucharist. Oh, don’t get me wrong, Protestants do accept baptism and holy communion, but not for salvation and eternal life. Oh no.
The acceptance of only part of the Church’s dogma is secularism. A Catholic’s allegiance is to the full teaching of the Church. For this reason it cannot accept partial initiation any more than it can accept Cafeteria Catholics who pick and choose dogma they accept.

The Church is not a democracy. Christ’s true Church doesn’t work that way. You reject or accept the total authority of Rome.

Gladtobe I really do not want to attack you personally but your statemnet in te earlier pot is down right STUPID!!! of course NOT ALL OF PROTESTANISM IS HERSEY!!! NO one on this forum has ever suggested that ALL of any heresy is totally wrong–you could back in Church history and find truth in ariansim and most ofth other Christilogical herseies… after all they beleived in God the Father—and u could probably list every heresy and find some truths that they retained from the Catholic church… To bring hat up is just a straw man’s argument since noon has said it is totally all wrong. Thebottom line is is that every catholic should hope that every Protestant convert and come HOME. SO that this hersey that has potentially led countless soul to hell be “stamped out.” If you dont believe that (i am not saying you dont) you may not be Catholic.
Let me ask you this. Do you really think that heaven only has one golden road traveling through it called the Roman Catholic highway? No? If that it is so, then how do the Protestants you despise and wish to be confined in hell, just happen to get into heaven anyway?
                                  Could it be that God loves more people than just the Roman Catholics? That he ALSO loves all those who place their faith in Christ and despite their religious differences really try to live godly lives. Do you think that counts for anything? 

                                   It amuses me. I go on Protestant forums and they despise Catholics. I go on this Catholic forum and they write off Protestants as heretics and hell bound as well. Where is the love for all those who say they love Christ? Do you ever **post** in love? Do you ever **think** love? Or only **I'm right** and your just a heretic and **God bless me** and my so called God blessed religious church. 

                                    Personally, I will be glad when I die and go to heaven. There will be no "more holier than thous" there or my religion is better than yours. Only love will prevail there. A love that is truly unknown in this world or any Christian named church.
Their chief error is believing that they achieve salvation by faith in Jesus alone, apart from doing what God requires of us throughout the remainder of our Christian life.
As I hope you were taught, the standard historic Protestant position is that true faith will result in good works. Exactly how that is explained varies from one Protestant group to another.
And that being chiefly, baptism, penance and the receiving the blessed Eucharist. Oh, don’t get me wrong, Protestants do accept baptism and holy communion, but not for salvation and eternal life. Oh no.
Beware of generalization here. You are probably thinking of the more radical, “free church” groups such as the Baptists. Protestant attitudes toward the sacraments vary greatly. Anglicans, Lutherans, and Methodists to one degree or another believe that the sacraments are means of grace, and so do many Reformed.
To the Protestant world, they are mere ordinances that symbolized that they are already saved
No, that’s the Baptist view specifically, and it is held by some other Protestants as well–possibly by the majority in the U.S. But it is not the view of the churches most directly issuing from the Reformation. It certainly is not the Protestant view as a whole.
I have seen the sacrament of baptism so neglected, that believers chose not to be baptized sometimes for years, because they believed they were saved apart from baptism. I’ve been in Protestant churches where holy communion was only offered 4 times a year and then as a mere memorial of remembrance.
Absolutely. Both these abuses exist (the latter is far more common than the former, I’d say). However, frequent communion is becoming more common in many Protestant churches.
This is the great error of Protestantism. I know, I dealt with it for 20 some years, until I realized that I must OBEY Christ and not just believe in him. His commands are to be obeyed, so we can receive the grace and forgiveness of God. And this is especially true concerning the sacraments.
Protestants would say that Christ’s commands are to be obeyed because we have received the grace and forgiveness of God. Protestants from the more “Arminian” (Wesleyan, Anabaptist, Restorationist) traditions would agree with Catholics that consistent failure to obey results in a loss of our relationship with God and (if we don’t repent) final damnation, no matter how truly we may have believed at one time. The more Reformed wing of Protstantism would say that such a failure indicates that we have never received grace in the first place. Unfortunately many Baptists and other American Protestants fall down in between the two camps, taking the doctrine of “eternal security” from the one and the possibility of a believer persisting in sin from the other, resulting in some cases in the monstrous doctrine that someone can go to heaven even if he or she dies in persistent, long-term, unrepentant sin. If that is what you have encountered, then I’m sorry, and I certainly understand why you were drawn to Catholicism. But you should know that that is not representative of either historic Calvinism or historic Arminianism (the two major camps within Protestantism with regard to issues of grace–though Lutherans are in a category by themselves). True faith and loving obedience are inseparable. That is the teaching of most Protestant traditions, and it was certainly the teaching of the Reformers.

In Christ,

How should we view Protestant theology?

View it as a well-intentioned attempt through the exercise of faith to know the truth of Jesus Christ completely but which fails to do so. The degree to which it fails depends on the particular doctrine and denomination you are dealing with. And remember that it originally came from a movement which was aimed at restoring the Church during a time when it needed it, but which eventually spinned out of control. Be nice.
Hi Philthy,
Great post because you have encapsulated a belief. It seems many people view Christians as clumps, a clump here, Roman Catholic, a clump there, Anglican, a clump over there, Baptist. etc etc and then we clump them together as having one opinion. Do you , as the Roman Catholic Church have one united opinion. Many would like to say yes, but in your own private space , you have your own secret beliefs.
I suggest we unclump and just become Christians.
Remember how important it is
What you believe
What you say
walk in love
Catholics use Protestant way too broadly. You put all non-catholic christian denominations on the same level. I am a Lutheran (at least until I get confirmed next Easter). The only differances I’ve really seen are: the pope (we do have a heirarchy though), we have 2 sacraments (baptism and eucharist) instead of 7 (although we do celebrate matrimony, optional confession, confirmation, and orders. I’m not sure about annointing of the sick), we state the same belief about eucharist just in differant wording, we don’t push the devotion to Mary and the other saints (but it’s not condemmed), our pastors are allowed to marry, and we have women pastors. Are those actually *that *heretical? Oh yeah, I forgot one differance. We’re Evangelical Lutherans, you’re Roman Catholics. I even had one of my strong Catholic friends look through our small catachism and asked him if he disagreed with anything stated in there. His answer was no.
Catholics use Protestant way too broadly. You put all non-catholic christian denominations on the same level. I am a Lutheran (at least until I get confirmed next Easter). The only differances I’ve really seen are: the pope (we do have a heirarchy though), we have 2 sacraments (baptism and eucharist) instead of 7 (although we do celebrate matrimony, optional confession, confirmation, and orders. I’m not sure about annointing of the sick), we state the same belief about eucharist just in differant wording, we don’t push the devotion to Mary and the other saints (but it’s not condemmed), our pastors are allowed to marry, and we have women pastors. Are those actually *that *heretical? Oh yeah, I forgot one differance. We’re Evangelical Lutherans, you’re Roman Catholics. I even had one of my strong Catholic friends look through our small catachism and asked him if he disagreed with anything stated in there. His answer was no.
I feel that any group that is not Catholic or Orthodox is protestant or borne of the protestant tradition. Some object to the word protestant. But all non-Catholic groups can be traced to a point in time where they were protesting the Catholic Church, so I wouldn’t know what else to call them. Maybe reformed? Same thing.

Catholics believe the Catholic Church is the best way to salvation, but not the only way. (Baptism by desire, see the theif on the cross)

I’m sure there are lay Catholics who WRONGLY believe that salvation is for Catholics alone, much like many Protestants WRONGLY believe that is what the Church teaches. To say that salvation is for Catholics alone would be to severly limit the mercy of God, as well as to enter into judgment that is God’s alone.

That said, however, I’m sure you’ve heard the analogy of religions being a winding road that all lead to the top of the mountain (or nowhere, depending on what you believe) just through different routes. But only one of those was plowed down from the mountain top by God Himself. And that one was given the keys to the kingdom expressly by our Lord.(Matt 16:18) Why even test the Lord’s mercy?

Live the fulfillment of the law of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, and pray for God’s mercy. None of us really know who will be saved and who will not, that is for God to decide. I’ll take my chances with the Church Christ founded, rather than play roulette, though.
**What exactly do you mean by “stamped out”? That can be interpreted to mean anything. I interpreted it as in doing something evil.:eek: **
I am leaning toward the title of Hebrew Catholic these days, because it really defines the perfectly beautiful and natural flow between the old and the new covenents…

I have to be a lion because of the area that I live in, and I moved from a very well Catholic populated town, where protestants and Catholics came together for picnics to raise money for the common good…to a place where I am the only Catholic for miles and miles. My school aged children are really Bombarded with ridiculousness…here are some real questions they have been asked:

Are Catholics Christian?
Why do you worship Mary?
I heard you were Catholic…*is that really true * (worthy gossip?)
Do you get drunk at Church?
The passion of the Christ is not Biblical (movie)

Incredible. I don’t really feel angry. It is just absolute ignorance, but I am on the offense now and daily teach my children how to defend…
woo hoo!

My first vote, my strong first impression I still support, was the popular one!

Am I getting normal? :whacky:

You wrote well, I think you got away from the question. It seems to me that you are talking about having a conversation with Protestants with the faint hope you will convert them.
That hope is not so faint.

I was born and raised a protestant. Now I am in RCIA. I am here because of a single Catholic I met in Wichita, whose server I was fixing, engaged me in a two hour conversation about theology. That led to this website, and that led to some inescapable conclusions.

Praise the Lord he did not ignore me, treat me like he felt sorry for me, or call me a heretic. If he had, he would have failed. He had “Nothing but respect for his Protestant brothers.” He just disagreed. I believe I am going to follow his example in my attitude toward Protestant theology.

By the way, unrelated, may I please suggest using caution with the word “heretic” when speaking with a Protestant? By and large, only Catholics will understand what that word really means. To the average protestant, you will receive a reaction very similar to the one you would get had you called him a witch. He’s going to be offended, laugh in your face, or blow you off. It’s a word we only hear in the movies. Just say “false teachings” instead. It means the same thing and everyone hears it the same. My 2 bits.

It is also worth mentioning that I feel there are not so many false teachings in most Protestant faiths as there are True teachings which they refuse to accept because of the “bible only” presumption. The refuse to bow to the Pope. They refuse to Venerate Mary. They refuse to see the significance of confession. They refuse to acknowledge that the original deposit of faith contains more than just the bible… just my opinion of course.

My great-grandfather was a pastor in the Assembly of God Church. He and his wife both had a deep and abiding Love of the Lord which I have never personally seen matched. If you had ever met them, looked at their life, looked at their blessings, and looked at the fruits that this tree produced, you could not possibly conclude that the Lord does not find their worship pleasing.
Protestant sects are withering on the vine. Just look at what is going on with their ever changing theological opinions of the day (if they last that long?). Gay ministers OK or not? Murder of the unborn with the pill OK or not? Female clergy OK or not? Etc… History repeats itself. Heresies died out in the past and they will continue to die out. Fire burns itself out when the fuel is gone. Protestantism will also run out of fuel too. Protestants are very motivated, full of energy, have a true love of Jesus, but are not founded on Him in totality. Protestants must thrive on stage and show and motivational speakers for worship service since they lack the solid foundation that was given to the Catholic Church, His visible body.

The Catholic Church was founded by Christ. The Church IS His body on earth. Christ is the fuel that never runs out. His Church will allways have Him as its source of grace.

Where are the Ana-Baptists, etc…? Gone like ALL heresies. They schism into nothingness since they are never built entirely on Jesus Christ our personnal Lord and savior as the Chatolic Church was, is and shall allways be.
Hi there,

I’m a heretical ‘protestant’, just popped in to say hello to you all he he.

A little bit of advice on converting us - prayer, patience, and openess

Show your faith by your lifestyle (not only by discussions), this will speak volumes!

All the best as we try to advance the kingdom of God together, xxx
Protestant sects are withering on the vine. Just look at what is going on with their ever changing theological opinions of the day (if they last that long?). Gay ministers OK or not? Murder of the unborn with the pill OK or not? Female clergy OK or not? Etc… History repeats itself. Heresies died out in the past and they will continue to die out. Fire burns itself out when the fuel is gone. Protestantism will also run out of fuel too. Protestants are very motivated, full of energy, have a true love of Jesus, but are not founded on Him in totality. Protestants must thrive on stage and show and motivational speakers for worship service since they lack the solid foundation that was given to the Catholic Church, His visible body.

The Catholic Church was founded by Christ. The Church IS His body on earth. Christ is the fuel that never runs out. His Church will allways have Him as its source of grace.

Where are the Ana-Baptists, etc…? Gone like ALL heresies. They schism into nothingness since they are never built entirely on Jesus Christ our personnal Lord and savior as the Chatolic Church was, is and shall allways be.
I agree that dead non believing protestant churches should go away God is not mocked!

The Church is the body of the redeemed believers in Jesus by Faith.
Protestantism is a heracy that must be combated by mass evangilization. It cannot coexist with Catholicism indefinately because of it’s inherent flaws. What has happened it seems to me is that Rome has become timid in it’s efforts to educate those against heracy lest the world become angry at intolerance. The church has confronted many forms of heracy in the past and has not strayed from deconstructing it thoroughly and completely. What we do know is it does take many years even centuries to get rid of. We know that paganism did not die out in the Roman empire for several centuries after the death of Constantine but it was eventually destroyed because of its own flaws. Arianism or the belief that Jesus was not on par with God the Father took hold of many in Christendom and was not magically stamped out after the Nicene Council, but lingered on for many centuries afterwords. Gnosticism was the same way. What we do know is that the Church was unrelenting in it’s apologetics and evangilization efforts and eventually people just realized the flaws of the heracies and came back to Rome. Protestantism is no older than Arianism when it began it’s final decline and it can be stamped out for the most part as well if we are energetic in our efforts to legitimately destroy the ideas through the spreading of the truth. I am not saying belittle these people as a sort of Catholic Jack Chick, but beat the heracy in the arena of ideas. False truths can only be defended so much before succumbing to the truth.
Unfortunatley I must withold most of my comments on this subject for reasons of charity, but I will say that no one would suggest that Marcion, Arius, or Valentinius should have been dealt with any diffrently. The Church has the right to defend its faith.
I don’t like any of the answers.

Protestantism is a heresy. We need to educate ourselves and then others against it. We must do this with love. Then we must pray. Christ will lead those who will listen back to the fullnes of faith.
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