TertiumQuid and Maccabees:
The amount of information you two have thrown around is impressive - too bad you still can’t agree on much! Typical historical debate - its no better than politics. As someone who has a more logical and empirical mind I loathe digging into history for “truth”. The type of information that is gathered is always so inferior to other fields (scientific) that I have very little patience for it. Not to be rude, thank you for all your efforts. Speaking of rudeness, though, you owe each other, as christians, an apology for the times the charity level plunged.
So what can we say after all regarding Luther and the Canon? He was a rare bird - that much is certain. The contention that " …Roman Catholics, if they are going to be true to their Church’s history, have absolutey NO right to critisize Luther." by Mr Swan is what you would commonly call an “overstatement”. I think you meant to say that we have no right to criticize him for questioning the canonicity of Scripture. And while that’s a debateable issue, Catholics have a right and obligation to criticize him for, among others, leaving the Church.
And though off - thread, I find it impossible not to comment on this statement by Mr Swan:
“… on the essential: “salvation by grace alone, through faith alone because of Christ alone” the large majority of Protestants agree. We have more unity than you think.”
Even if you could agree on those 3 things, which is debateable due to ambiguous terms, there is so much more to Christianity/Living a Christian life that this leaves you agreeing on very little.
“As to the heart of your question: Protestants have the canon they do, not because your Popes and councils declared them the word of God, but because God gave us His Word.”
What the heck does that mean?

How could you let that statement escape your keyboard? Scripture does not define its components, it DOES tell us that the church is the "pillar and foundation of Truth, and that we are subject to statements whether oral or written, and that the “younger presbyters be subject to the elders”. This all seems to fit pretty well with the Catholic notion of the Church/Tradition being the determinant of the truth of the canon. You may choose to disagree, but for you, with all your historical knowledge, to say “Protestants have the canon they do…because God gave us His Word” is the weakest possible argument I can imagine. I think even Luther would reject that one.
“The canon is determined by God, while canonicity is recognized by the people of God.” Keep dreaming! Is that from scripture!? Why would Webster need to write a 3 volume history if this is the case? I happen to have read the entire Catholic bible before I knew what the word canon even meant, and I can tell you that the latter half of this statement is simply absurd.