And I have said that Hippo and Carthage and the Synod of Rome were local councils that were witnesses to the normal rule of faith and accepted canon of the time
nowhere did I say otherwise not until the Council of Florence is their attempt to make an official ecumenical canon. That canon of course has only the 2 books of Maccabees. Oh but wait a minute so did the Synod of Rome, Hippo and Carthage all had the same 2 books of Maccabees. Please read the primary sources and not the spin of Webster
Webster said,
“** Roman Catholics are quick to point out that the canons of Hippo and Carthage were given ecumenical authority and therefore the force of law for the whole Church by this Council. Thus, its decrees on the canon have been officially sanctioned. However, the Council also sanctioned the canons of Athanasius and Amphilochius that had to do with the canon and both of these fathers rejected the major books of the Apocrypha. In addition, the Council sanctioned the Apostolical canons**
which, in canon eighty-five, gave a list of canonical books which included 3 Maccabees, a book never accepted as canonical in the West.”
(NPNF2,Vol. 14, The Seven Ecumenical Councils, The Apostolical Canons, Canon LXXXV) says:
Let the following books be counted venerable and sacred by all of you, both clergy and Laity Of the Old Testament, five books of Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy; of Joshua the Son of Nun, one; of the Judges, one; of Ruth, one; of the Kings, four; of the Chronicles of the book of the days, two; of Ezra, two; of Esther, one; [some texts read of Judith, one]; of the Maccabees, three; of Job, one; of the Psalter, one; of Solomon, three, viz.: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs; of the Prophets, twelve; of Isaiah, one; of Jeremiah, one; of Ezekiel, one; of Daniel, one. But besides these you are recommended to teach your young persons the Wisdom of the very learned Sirach. Our own books, that is, those of the New Testament, are: the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; fourteen Epistles of Paul; two Epistles of Peter; three of John; one of James, and one of jude. Two Epistles of Clemens, and the Constitutions of me Clemens, addressed to you Bishops, in eight books, which are not to be published to all on account of the mystical things in them. And the Acts of us the Apostles.”
You continue to buy the spin of Webster and ignore the explicit evidence I give you.
Read very carefully how the councils of Rome, Hippo, Cartage and the witness of Augustine differ in the witness of the consistent western latin catholic canon.
A point I have gone over and over something Webster and you conveniently ignore.
It was not a ecumenical canon binding on the Greeks and their different tradition which included 3 Maccabees. Nowhere does a western or Ecunemical Council include 3 Maccabees.