A Protestant brother on one of the threads in this forum suggested that one of the ways Protestants and Catholics could work together is in combating abortion.
Yes! And one of our primary goals ought to be to try to persuade the many Protestant denominations that officially approve abortion to cease and desist in their support for these killings.
Former abortionist Bernard Nathanson, M.D., in his book Aborting America (Doubleday, 1979) lists the major religious organizations that supported abortion at the time his book was published. Dr. Nathanson, who described himself as a ‘culturally Jewish atheist,’ says he is personally responsible for the deaths of 75,000 unborn children. He is now staunchly pro-life and has been a Catholic since December, 1996.
Some pro-abort churches are listed on the Internet (for example, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, rcrc.org/). But I don’t know whether a comprehensive, up-to-date list of all or most of them is available.
These pro-abortion “Christian”churches ought to get as much public recognition as possible. And it should not go unnoticed that even those who claim that they oppose abortion but approve contraception do, in fact, allow abortion because certain contraceptive methods (like “The Pill” and the IUD) are, in reality, life-destroying abortifacients.
Yes! And one of our primary goals ought to be to try to persuade the many Protestant denominations that officially approve abortion to cease and desist in their support for these killings.
Former abortionist Bernard Nathanson, M.D., in his book Aborting America (Doubleday, 1979) lists the major religious organizations that supported abortion at the time his book was published. Dr. Nathanson, who described himself as a ‘culturally Jewish atheist,’ says he is personally responsible for the deaths of 75,000 unborn children. He is now staunchly pro-life and has been a Catholic since December, 1996.
Some pro-abort churches are listed on the Internet (for example, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, rcrc.org/). But I don’t know whether a comprehensive, up-to-date list of all or most of them is available.
These pro-abortion “Christian”churches ought to get as much public recognition as possible. And it should not go unnoticed that even those who claim that they oppose abortion but approve contraception do, in fact, allow abortion because certain contraceptive methods (like “The Pill” and the IUD) are, in reality, life-destroying abortifacients.