.The evolution of the birth control pill from pure contraceptive to frequent abortifacient poses important questions to pro-life activists.
Many women (including pro-lifers) who would never even consider a surgical abortion now use low-dose birth control pills that cause them to abort on an average of once or twice every year. A large number of pro-life women use these pills, and these are usually the women who cannot seem to make the connection between contraception and abortion in their minds.
These women and their husbands are employing a self-defense mechanism known as denial, and this eventually causes their entire pro-life philosophy to unravel. Ironically, the average pro-abortion woman has at most two or three surgical abortions during her childbearing years, while the average ‘pro-life’ woman on the Pill for ten years aborts at least ten times.
Some researchers (using very conservative figures) have calculated that the birth control pill directly causes between 1.53 and 4.15 million chemical abortions per year between one and two and a half times the total number of surgical abortions committed in this country every year! The Catholic Church has recently expanded its definition of abortion to include new drugs and surgical procedures. This expansion has not been necessary until this time because such abortifacient drugs and procedures simply have not existed until recently, and their invention has created a new ‘grey area’ that needed to be clarified.
The Pontifical Commission for the Authentic Interpretation of the Code of Canon Law, on November 24, 1988, stated that abortion is not only “the expulsion of the immature fetus,” but is also “the killing of the same fetus in any way and at any time from the moment of conception.”
This definition of abortion includes the use of any of the following;
• all birth control pills, because *every birth control pill manufactured *
today causes early abortions part of the time;
• mini-pills, morning-after pills, and true abortion pills such as RU-486;
• injectable or insertable abortifacients such as NORPLANT and
Depo-Provera; and
• the use of all intrauterine devices (IUDs), which are all abortifacients and
act by preventing the implantation of the already-fertilized zygote.
This is all fine but I’ve seen no evidence. None has been provided here. And the background for the book I referred to uses ingoramus language such as "there is evidence to that pills abort…then goes on to say, “there’s no evidence that it doesn’t”.
That’s the most idiotic, political, journalistic, con ndescending garbage I’ve seen. Sorry, it just chaps me butt that someone would write a book of “evidence” and then market it by giving such ridiculous language.
My wife gets upset because I correct people’s spelling and remarks in marketing campaigns and commercials. I just think if someone wants to be taken seriously for their “scholarly” efforts they should have the intelligence to back it up. I wouldn’t read this idiot’s pamphlet for the simple fact of his ignoranant statement of trying to prove the negative - “there’s no evidence to support that the pill doesn’t cause abortions”. Incredible!