Dia dhuit (God be with you),
The wearing of the green is more than a mere political statement. Green was adopted as the color of the oppressed Catholic majority by several 17th, 18th and 19th century Irish Catholic societies precisely because “the wearen’ o’ the green,” along with other native Irish and Catholic cultural symbolism, was prohibited by the British Monarchy as a means of persecuting them both politically and spiritually.
It is therefore all the more ironic that the Church of Ireland (Anglicans) and the Dissenting Church (Presbyterians), as well as some of the Welleslyean (sp?) churches try to usurp many of the Irish saints by patronizing their churches with their names. It is historically inaccurate and spiritually bankrupt for any Protestant Church in Ireland to be named ‘St. Patrick’s,’ ‘St. Kevin’s,’ ‘St. Brigid’s,’ St. Columbanus,’ St. Brendan’s,’ etc. Yet they are there in abundance. How queer it is to do everything in the world possible to destroy a people, their church, and their culture, only to adopt it a few generations later and pretend that it is a natural, true fit. It is one of the great shames and farces of Protestantism in Ireland and continues unto today.
The next blight of the Protestant state of Ireland is Orangeism. The Orange Order is a wicked, evil satanic society. This is a society built solely for the purpose of oppression of a native and Catholic people. Their own preamble attests to this. Their history and modern day activities gives great witness to their wickedness. Even right, honest minded Protestants shun the Orangism of Protestant Ireland.
Yet, in light of this I guess it is rather no surprise that any ignorant person would cling to wearing of the “orange” on this most holy feast of the Catholic Apostle of Ireland Naomh Pádraig (Beannacht De lena anam – God rest his soul).
Dochtúir Donnchadh Críostóir Dónal
ó Meiscil mag Eochadha,
‘an t-Aithríoch’
na Chlann Eochaidha Óg,
A.O.H., KofC, StJCK
Ársa Ord Éireannach i Meiriceá
Roinnt 1 an tAthar ó Corragáin
An Mullán, Colorado
Is fán dilis don chreaidh!
(Remain loyal to the Faith!)
Tá mo fhuil uasal!
Personal Motto
‘Ar son altóir, cine agus tintéan!’
‘For our altars, race & hearth (homes)!’
Clan War Cry
The wearing of the green is more than a mere political statement. Green was adopted as the color of the oppressed Catholic majority by several 17th, 18th and 19th century Irish Catholic societies precisely because “the wearen’ o’ the green,” along with other native Irish and Catholic cultural symbolism, was prohibited by the British Monarchy as a means of persecuting them both politically and spiritually.
It is therefore all the more ironic that the Church of Ireland (Anglicans) and the Dissenting Church (Presbyterians), as well as some of the Welleslyean (sp?) churches try to usurp many of the Irish saints by patronizing their churches with their names. It is historically inaccurate and spiritually bankrupt for any Protestant Church in Ireland to be named ‘St. Patrick’s,’ ‘St. Kevin’s,’ ‘St. Brigid’s,’ St. Columbanus,’ St. Brendan’s,’ etc. Yet they are there in abundance. How queer it is to do everything in the world possible to destroy a people, their church, and their culture, only to adopt it a few generations later and pretend that it is a natural, true fit. It is one of the great shames and farces of Protestantism in Ireland and continues unto today.
The next blight of the Protestant state of Ireland is Orangeism. The Orange Order is a wicked, evil satanic society. This is a society built solely for the purpose of oppression of a native and Catholic people. Their own preamble attests to this. Their history and modern day activities gives great witness to their wickedness. Even right, honest minded Protestants shun the Orangism of Protestant Ireland.
Yet, in light of this I guess it is rather no surprise that any ignorant person would cling to wearing of the “orange” on this most holy feast of the Catholic Apostle of Ireland Naomh Pádraig (Beannacht De lena anam – God rest his soul).
Dochtúir Donnchadh Críostóir Dónal
ó Meiscil mag Eochadha,
‘an t-Aithríoch’
na Chlann Eochaidha Óg,
A.O.H., KofC, StJCK
Ársa Ord Éireannach i Meiriceá
Roinnt 1 an tAthar ó Corragáin
An Mullán, Colorado
Is fán dilis don chreaidh!
(Remain loyal to the Faith!)
Tá mo fhuil uasal!
Personal Motto
‘Ar son altóir, cine agus tintéan!’
‘For our altars, race & hearth (homes)!’
Clan War Cry