As someone has already suggested, how could Patrick have been a protestant, when the great revolt hadn’t happened.
My mother used to tell me that protestants claimed he was a protestant, but when Catholic’s claimed him as one of their own they soon gave him up.
Anyway, been born and reared in this bigotted society, green over here is usually the mark of being Catholic & nationalist,although some nationalists don’t go to Mass.
For some wearing green is an act of defiance, yes the British burned down our Churches, burned our Bibles, and murdered our Priests.
They sent that tyrant, Oliver Cromwell over here to do it, but the people celebrated Mass regardless.
The priests were driven underground, and that is why we have so many Mass rocks all over Ireland, tables of stone quickly set-up for Mass.
It has been said that Oliver Cromwell, when reporting back to the Crown as to why the Irish wern’t defeated yet, he said, " I would have defeated them, if I could take that Rosary from their hands".
For some over here, wearing green is nothing more than a political statement.
The Irish Tricolour actually symbolizes peace between the orange and green.
I’m amazed how many countries celebrate St,Patricks day, and it’s nice to see.
Maybe it’s because Ireland helped to evangilize a good part of the world for such a small country, trouble is, Ireland needs re-evangilizing now, I read somewhere that Patrick was promised by God that the Irish would not lose their faith.
Anyway it’s nice to see, a sea of green on St,Paddy’s day. :tiphat: