Yet, it is. Even in the OT
Sirach 15:11 Do not say, “Because of the Lord I left the right way”;for he will not do what he hates.12 Do not say, “It was he who led me astray”;for he had no need of a sinful man.13 The Lord hates all abominations,and they are not loved by those who fear him.14 It was he who created man in the beginning,and he left him in the power of his own inclination.15 If you will, you can keep the commandments,and to act faithfully is a matter of your own choice.16 He has placed before you fire and water:stretch out your hand for whichever you wish.17 Before a man are life and death,and whichever he chooses will be given to him18 For great is the wisdom of the Lord;he is mighty in power and sees everything;19 his eyes are on those who fear him,and he knows every deed of man.20 He has not commanded any one to be ungodly,and he has not given any one permission to sin.13 because God did not make death,and he does not delight in the death of the living.But isn’t this related to some philosophical/theological arguments that God had to allow our freewill to choose evil allowing such heartbreak and horror in the world?
Doesn’t this explanation of the problem of evil fall short in light that The Blessed Virgin Mary had freewill; but was protected by Grace from doing evil.
There must be more to the explanation of the problem of evil.
Not so Mother Mary being the Mother of God, How much more powerful will be, her intercession before God .AS she was born without original sin and she was sinless throughout her life, who bore sufferings, being Holy, assumed into Heaven Body and Soul ,in John 2:2-5 My hour has not yet come.” 5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” .Thus even thought it was not the appointed time and note many places in the Bible Jesus done everything on the appointed time as per the will of God, but Through her intercession she quickened the miracle and everyone’s surprise and everyone glorified Jesus and they believed John 2:11 Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.I think that the issue of Mary’s sinlessness is more a philosophical decision made by the Catholic Church, as is her Assumption.