Protestant saying purgatory is a made up place so the church can steal money

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I can appreciate that your Protestant friend doesn’t believe in purgatory, but the idea that he is spinning it by saying it is “made up” so the Church can “steal money” is no way for him to make friends or influence people.

I don’t have the transcript of the Leipzig Debate handy, but I bet Luther didn’t use that tone with Eck.
1 Corinthians 3:11-15 is imho the best passage for evidence of purgatory. The fire can’t be hell, you are not saved there. The fire cant be heaven, there is no fire there
I already gave that bible verse and he said “WRONG” “inaccurat again” he I’m misenterpreting it
The other thing ur friend should know is purgatory is not a third place to spend eternity but it is for those who die in a state of grace and are going to spend eternity in heaven. It is as 1 corinthians says a burning away of our sins and dead works.
Honestly, if he can’t respect you he’s not your friend, and if he’s not your friend there’s no point on loosing your time hearing his stupid comments.
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I guess I would ask him how does he know that for sure. Does he gave a great theology degree Did God tell him directly and also remind him that protestants believe that the burning away of dead works will happen. They just believe it happens to all at the same time at the end of times whereas Catholics believe it happens on an individual basis.
I’m an Episcopalian and I believe in purgatory. I figure it’s the only chance I have of making it into heaven. But I’m not sure an Episcopalian is considered protestant these days. And tell your friend to be more charitable. Granted there were instances where unscrupulous people used the idea of purgatory and indulgences to raise money.

Oh, by the way, i’m not convinced about indulgences.
Then he isn’t interested in a discussion. Don’t argue with him.
There are about 6 different interpretations of revelation in Protestantism, each with a different take on what happens when, depending on which verses people emphasise.
One view is that Jesus will rapture ‘true believers’, then there will be 7 years of God’s wrath. Then Jesus returns for 1000 year reign and finally Satan released for the final battle.
I don’t hold this view, I don’t know what will happen and would go so far as to say I think it is unknowable.
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I love reading the church fathers Eusebius is one of my favourites
If you can understand Eusebius, then your comprehension of ’ big words’, as you call them, is far more skillful than you give yourself credit for! Don’t sell yourself short! There is a wonderful world of theology and apologetics just waiting for you to discover it! ☺️
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Tell your protesent friend that the word RAPTURE is not in the Bible either!
Abraham said that they couldn’t cross over, so I think it was hell.
But the rich man showed remorse for his sins and cared about his brothers, which is impossible for the condemned.
I think it was because he would suffer more if his brothers were in hell so that’s why he said that.
Lazarus and the Rich Man: Purgatory or Hell Sacred Scripture
Hello. In Luke 16:19-31 we read the story of Lazarus and the rich man. In the end Lazarus is in Abraham’s Bosom and the rich man is in a place of torment. I’ve always wondered if the place of torment were purgatory or hell. The thought occurred to me today that since the rich man shows concern for his brothers he is showing love and since those in hell cannot love he must be in purgatory. Is this a correct understanding of this parable? Thanks.
I believe that the rich man was in Purgatory…
No, there was a chasm that prevented the rich man from crossing over. When you’re purified to perfection, you definitely cross over.
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Read the linked Thread. You can’t freely cross between Heaven and Purgatory either.

When you’re purified it’s another matter. However, the rich man was far from pure.
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