Because it is unwritten. There is no way to gaurantee that as it passes through the minds of people (sinners) that it is not lost or misrepresented. Do you think that unwritten tradition that is 2000 years old would hold up in a court of law? Why not? There is your answer.Why would unwritten tradition lose reliablity?
That would be one thing. What compels you to believe that He was behind it? So great is this evidence that you would bet your life on it and submit to the bearer of this Tradition.What if God is behind the unwritten tradition?
Matt 16? Come on . . . John 21 . . . again eisegesis.
God is not limited to anything. But are we just supposed to believe anyone who says that they bear God’s word. Read Deut 13 and 18. He can speak any way He chooses, but it has to be varified.Is He only limited to writing?
Come on . . . this is a straw man. My children can’t read, but they fall under the authority of the word of God alone. You don’t have to be able to read to have the message of the Scripture communicated to you. Do you really think that you do? Really?God help us if we ever lose the ability to read…Wait, that was the state that most people lived in until fairly recently. I guess God dropped the ball in letting literacy develope so late in history.
Sure. But it must look like your sacramental system today. It can’t be just references to people taking the body and blood of Christ. It has to be that if you miss one Sunday of Mass, you go to hell. Baptism removes the effects of original sin alone. Holy orders give you the ability to dispense the merits of Christ.Where is you evidence for this? If I can show you a “sacramental” theology in the early Church would you concede that it is not a later develpment?
In other words, it can’t be just references to these things in general, because even in that I will find my tradition as well. It must be a duplicate of the current RC system.
Neither of us look like the Church at any point of history. We all have changed.Truth is not about likes or dislikes, it is objective. Can you honestly say that what you believe that differs from the historical church is supported by the consensus of belief prior to the 16th century?
Our goal is not to look like some primitive church that had not been throught the trials of history that were meant to mature us. We should look different. We should look better. We have a better understanding of many doctrines (Trinity, Atonement, Salvation, Christology). If you want to go back before Anselm and find yourself completely there, fine . . . but you will be a heretic. Do you want to find yourself before Nicea? Fine, you will be a subordinationalist or Arian.
You see, we don’t need to look exactly like the first century Church, the Early Church, or the Medeval Church. It would be like me saying to you, you don’t look like you did when you were a kid, so therefore something is wrong. No, everything is right . . . you have grown up and continue to grow. If you looked like you did when you were 5, you would have problems.
It is all in the way you view development. Protestants find ourselves in the early Church, just like I find myself in a picture of myself when I was 5. I am different now, but still the same.
Catholics are the same. They are different now, but they claim to be the same because their methodology demands it.
Again, good to talk with you,