Protestants with Southern Accents

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That was pretty Politically Incorrect…I love it :dancing:
I pulled that post, it is too politically incorrect for me, and I don’t want to tick off all those good Southern papists. 😉
The Old Road:
I pulled that post, it is too politically incorrect for me, and I don’t want to tick off all those good Southern papists. 😉
As far as I understood, he wasnt bagging on Southern accents, but Southern accents accompanied by fundie babble…you must admit, ignorance at its finest can only be topped off by a Southern drawl and a golden tooth smile claiming that Jesus wants you to drive a big phat Cadillac and remember that you should be burning in HELL
John Martignoni a catholic apologist has real heavy southern accent he’s from alabama sounds like no other catholic speaker I know of…
I love John (“sola scriptura? I don’t think so.”) Martignoni. But let me tell you somthin’ boy, that ain’t no southern accent, leastwise Alabama southern. I don’t rightly know, but I’d wager his carpet baggin’ yankee Catholic parents raised him up Catholic in the south.
Hey now, lets not make this a Southern Accent bashing endeavor. The issue is that I have a personal predjudice for folks with that particular Drawl and I automatically brand them (no pun intended) as fundamentalist, KJV onlyist, etc. I absolutely hate to admit this, but I mirror thier technique of creshendo when they elevate their voices to a forte and then down to the other one that is represented by the letter “P” on sheet music.

Maintaining such a sterotype of such folks is unfair to everyone. It prevents me from effectively communicating with them and them with me. I guess its sort of like Ebonics in that it is a slang form of the English language. I consider slang to mean renegade or coloquial, or improper. Come to think of it, I also have preconcieved notions of those who brandish a typical “Rapper” accent. I suppose this makes me a bigot. I don’t want to be such a thing, but hasn’t experience placed such notions in my vernacular? I figure its the charity we are to ascribe as followers of the Lord Jesus that will elevate us above these challenges.

I sure have enjoyed reading all the comments on this. I was afraid to post this sort of thing thinking maybe I would offend someone and get banned or something like that, but its nice to know that others struggle with it and good to hear some encouragement and ideas to overcome this struggle.

You said you were sensible enough not to own a gun. Expand that sensibility. Do not listen to, or talk to those whose accent cause you such grief. No use letting emotions get the best of you. But then what do I know. I am just a dumb southerner.
Oi! Lighten it up! I used to be a proddie with a funny accent then I bacame a “mick” still with a funny accent!

To explain it: Check my location, top right. I’m really, really southern, mate! And, the term “mick” is one Aussie proddies use for Catholics.
🙂 🙂
…they teach you at Bob Jones University that I could do without. I think the requirements for graduattion include the following courses;
Whore of Babylon 101
Rapture 202
Scream like your posessed 150
Speaking in Tongues 100
Lorraine Bettner 300
Dave Hunt 101
Jack Chick 150
Faith Healing 400
Post Graduate offerings
Pope is anti-christ
ash wednesday ashmark is the mark of the beast
How the apostles gave us the King James Bible in Leather

What’s NOT so funny is that you’re probably not too far off the mark! 😉

I do own a shotgun and a rifle. What I said was that…well heck, let me look back and see what I typed…just a sec…OK. I don’t own a handgun…you know, pistol…because I know, although I might not have the intentions of killing someone, that when I am in a tyraid, on a benge of rage, or just otherwised torked off, I may draw that thing out and wind up either dead, or at least severely regretting it.

The sensibility that I am applying is towards the availability of a deadly weapon. I fear that I would resort to its negotiating capacity in many a situation that that is frustrating, and that would surely land me in jail.

Why do you ask? Are you wanting to debate me on guns and stuff like that? 😉
Just a thought…to reverse the question…

What do Catholics generally think of those with Northern Accents?😉
Why do you ask? Are you wanting to debate me on guns and stuff like that? 😉
Heck no. I’m from the south and gun ownership is not a problem.

I at first thought a lot of what was being said was just a joke and then you stated,“Thre is no jest here. Such matters have always been a cross for me to bear as well as anger, lust, and hate.”

There is real wisdom and maturity in avoiding the near occasion of sin. If this is a legitmate problem, then it seems a simple solution is to not listen to those who irritate you so. I have a whole list of things I avoid for the same reason, like:

Reality shows
Talk shows
Network “news”
Any movie with Shirley MacLane or Susan Sarrandon
Politically Incorrect

I do not want to start taking high blood pressure medicine before my time.

PS - next time William Donohue is on CA Live, I hope someone will tell him that Catholic bashing is not the last exceptable prejudice. It seems we have uncovered one more here.
For me it’s not so much the accents or vocal inflections that annoy. (This is a Yankee speaking by the way.) It’s just the way the pastors carry themselves and address the congregation sometimes. I cringe when they yell “Amen?!” like a question and wait for a response, and grimace when they say “I don’t think ya heard me!” Yes, I did indeed hear you the first time. Please move on.

That’s how I feel anyway. Give me Father Corapi’s energetic holy spirit-filled speeches over those revival-esque rantings any time.

Being raised (Catholic) right in the heart of Dixie, I know the accent can be tough to take, but sometimes it is quite beautiful. And, I know many highly intelligent people who twang quite a bit when they speak. (I’m an engineer. 🤓 )

I have had the pleasure of hearing a Southern priest give a homily. He was born and raised Southern Baptist, I believe. He came to visit a Church in a more, how do I say it, *up scale *part of town. My husband and I had a great time, but you should have seen the folks shifting in their seats when he asked, “Can I get an amen?! I know you can do it! Lemme have an amen!” :rotfl:
I have a tremendous struggle discussing apologetics with protestants who brandish characteristically southern accents and get loud and vibrant. It makes me wanna assault them; immediately.

I am listening to this guy from the Church of Christ named David Brown. He makes me want to smash his face and squelch that redneck, smart aleck, ignorant anti-Catholic fodder.

Why do they always have to raise thier voices? Is it to summon some kind of vocal authority or is it for intimidation? I think its intimidating and I resort to force to curtail such measures. …
When you tip over a bucket of water, what falls out?
Water (of course).

When you get upset, what comes out? Whatever is inside comes out. You want to assault them, smash his face and squelch…???:confused: Do you really want to have those attitudes inside you? It is a good thing God put those people near you as an opportunity for you to see yourself as you are. Maybe they are that way too. But it doesn’t matter. You are responsible for yourself, so take care of yourself. Ask Jesus to touch your heart and make you more loving. Ask Jesus to show Himself to you through other people so you can love Him in other people (like Mother Theresa).

Maybe you should think about this. Never mind the others for the moment. Go to confession and get yourself right with the Lord. Start spending some quality time with Jesus yourself.

And note this: there are two things we have that are important.
(1) Our time. and (2) Our attitude.

If talking with certain people results in a loss of time and a reduction in the quality of your attitude – just stop doing it.
We cannot do God’s work. When Jesus works with somebody, He works with their heart from the inside. He draws them to Himself. We can often help by finding and helping the people Jesus is already working with.

By the way, I’m Baptist (somewhat experienced with evangelism) and currently signed up for RCIA / RCIC.

Perhaps Jesus had a Galilean accent, and maybe it bothered some of the Pharisees in Jerusalem. Don’t let accents throw you.
I have to admit that I have always enjoyed listening to a Southern accent. I don’t care for yelling preachers too much, but I do like to hear that soft Southern sound…Although I live near Cincinnati, Ohio, I have roots in both West Virginia and Virginia…Soooooooooo.

I especially like to hear Bily Graham and Charles Stanley…

This is quite true. Please refrain from using the term “fundie”…it is tasteless and rude, as well as tacky…
silly little people.

my accent isn’t southern so much as it is “hick.” there is a difference you know.

what you yanks and so forth don’t realize is the hick/southern protestant system that prevails here, especially in the appalachians.

Take the hypothetical mountain-bred, east Kentucky protestant church. We’ll call it the First Church of Fundy (as I, as a protestant, find that term kinda cute…neither rude nor tasteless). At the First Church you got your preachers that prolly work in these failing mines as a regular job, may or may not be very educated, etc and go to a’preachin Bible thumping and drawling and all the things you hate.

THEN! some young guy in that church gets all inspired and announces his “call to preach.” Everyone gets all excited. There is no need for seminary and no big hurry for ordination or anything. The new preacher gets up there in the pulpit and mimics what he has seen his whole life. And the cycle continues. Multiply by the First Church of Funday by quite a few, because those are on every corner around here.

Eventually, one of those will end up TV or something. shrug
At least that’s how it happens here.
My 2 cents.

I spent 18 years of my life in New England and the past 18 in the South. ( TN, Va.and S.C)

Anyone that simply rejects people because of thier accent are no better than people that are prejudice based on skin color.

Do the “southern preachers” cause such emotion because they have a better knowledge of the Bible than most Catholics?

All you can do is fight sola scriptura. don’t give up . Be prepared.

Anti-catholics are everywhere. Some people just don’t hide it.
I think southern Catholics are challenged about there faith more often than Northern Catholics. We are a minority down here, 1-2%. I hear Catholic bashing easily 2-5 times a week.

I used to get offended but now I’m more prepared to defend the faith.

Thanks Karl and EWTN
I have a tremendous struggle discussing apologetics with protestants who brandish characteristically southern accents and get loud and vibrant. It makes me wanna assault them; immediately.

I am listening to this guy from the Church of Christ named David Brown. He makes me want to smash his face and squelch that redneck, smart aleck, ignorant anti-Catholic fodder.

Why do they always have to raise thier voices? Is it to summon some kind of vocal authority or is it for intimidation? I think its intimidating and I resort to force to curtail such measures.

What does one have to do to tame this instinct? It seems just obvious and natural to take an aggressive approach to a person whose accents and attributes appear to be violent and abrasive.

I think a good ol’ head butt would be my most likely choice, as I don’t really want to hurt anyone, but I do need to level the playing field and address that vocal chasm.

What can you all suggest? Everytime I hear these folks preach I keep thinking of the old plantation owners in the deep south and how they were slave masters. I can’t help but remenisce of how they used the “Good Book” to justify their enslavement of men for profit and gain.

Will I ever be able to have a reasonable discussion with these folks?
umm… I am from the South. If you have a problem with our accents or the way some of us come of us “brandish” then I think that is your problem, not ours… and refering to slave masters and what not - you definitely have a problem and I find what you have to say offensive and ignorant.
It looks like the South has risen.

If the same prejudice had been addressed wth the same rhetoric toward blacks or hispanics, this thread would have been closed and deleted. Look back over Xenon’s posts (and others) and substitute some other group and see what I mean.
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