Proud Catholic considering becoming Anglican

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I believe everything the church teaches other than the idea of mandatory celibacy it is not an early church teaching it has only been around for 900 years, the eastern church does not teach this nor do the oriental churches.
Wrong. If there were no celibates then the Orthodox would not have any bishops. Celibacy is an ancient practice from the very beginning of the Church both east and west.

“If anyone can continue in a state of purity, to the honour of Him who is Lord of the flesh, let him so remain without boasting.”

St. Ignatius of Antioch, Epistle to Polycarp (A.D. 90)

“Let him that is pure in the flesh not grow proud of it, and boast, knowing that it was another who bestowed on him the gift of continence.”

Pope St. Clement of Rome, First Epistle to the Corinthians (A.D. ~97)

“How many men, therefore, and how many women, in Ecclesiastical Orders, owe their position to continence, who have preferred to be wedded to God; who have restored the honour of their flesh, and who have already dedicated themselves as sons of that (future) age, by slaying in themselves the concupiscence of lust, and that whole (propensity) which could not be admitted within Paradise!”

Tertullian, On Chastity (A.D. 211)

“Peter alone do I find-through (the mention of) his “mother-in-law” ,to have been married. Monogamist I am led to presume him by consideration of the Church, which, built upon him, was destined to appoint every grade of her Order from monogamists. The rest, while I do not find them married, I must of necessity understand to have been either eunuchs or continent.”

Tertullian, On Monogamy (A.D. 213)

“For it became Him who is most pure, and a teacher of purity, to have come forth from a pure bride-chamber. For if he who well fulfils the office of a priest of Jesus abstains from a wife…”

St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lectures (A.D. 350)
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Celibacy is the renunciation of marriage for the more perfect observance of chastity. Despite the claims to the contrary, celibacy was not a medieval innovation. It is an ancient apostolic practice recommended by Christ himself. Jesus clearly praises those who, “for the sake of the kingdom of God”, give up marriage. He adds: “he who can accept it, let him accept it”(Mt. 19:12). Perhaps even more compelling than the words of Jesus Christ was the life He led as the perfect model of celibacy and chastity. From early on, the Church was personified as a Virgin Bride, the pure Body of Christ, the Virgin Mother, and it was fitting that a virgin Church be served by a virgin priesthood. Among Jews, the priesthood was hereditary and accomplished through generation. But in the Church, as an antithesis to this, the priestly character was transmitted by the Holy Spirit through sacrament. Virginity is therefore a special prerogative of the Christian priesthood. Yet, even in the Jewish Dispensation, it was obligatory that a priest be continent while serving in the Temple.
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Wouldn’t Eastern Catholicism be a better option along with being biritualistic?
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I don’t think it’s terribly respectful of the traditions of the Eastern Churches simply to use them as a way to “have your cake and eat it too” vis-à-vis priesthood and marriage. If one is not an easterner, he shouldn’t become one simply to become a married priest.
Honestly, I am a married woman with only one child and even in this simple life setting I see how hard it is to have time, mind and heart available to serve the Church without struggling to keep up with your duties as a parent and as a spouse. I cannot even imagine how hard would be for a faithful man, married with several children (not uncommon in fertile religious couples) to keep up with parenthood, couple life AND guiding a parish life in the role of a priest. It can be done but it is much much more difficult.
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I don’t think it’s terribly respectful of the traditions of the Eastern Churches simply to use them as a way to “have your cake and eat it too” vis-à-vis priesthood and marriage. If one is not an easterner, he shouldn’t become one simply to become a married priest.
Quite right, Father. Eastern spirituality deserves much more respect than it is being shown in this thread.
Additional suggestion here. Get in touch with some people from the Anglican Ordinariate and get some perspective from people who converted in the other direction. You need to know the things you’d be giving up. For instance it is just about possible to be an Anglican and profess the same things as a practicing Catholic. The Anglicans aren’t big on forcing the issue on matters of theology. It would be just about impossible to be an Anglican priest and teach the same things as a Catholic priest. Again, Anglicans aren’t big on forcing the issue on matters of theology.

Also, since in a week or so John Henry Newman will have his canonization ceremony, I would also suggest reading some of what he had to say on the matter. The words of a former Anglican Priest would seem to be very useful right about now.
Regarding your comparison to the Anglican experience, priesthood, and the Norwich cathedral video, let it be said the Helter Skelter for all RC parish churches is not, repeat Not, on the current agenda for the Amazon Synod. It got less than a third of the votes in the early planning stage.🙂

Ok, sorry, now back to the thread.
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Just one thing… if you leave the Catholic church…it does not leave you. You can’t become uncatholic. It’s impossible. God chose you as Catholic so you’ll always be one, even if you deny it and become something else on the outside. So if you then want to become some kind of minister of God isn’t that a contradiction in terms? We aren’t made catholic, we are chosen so. Read Psalm 139, God chooses all our paths and ways long long before we are ever aware.

Actually another thing, the vocation of marriage and priesthood are quite similar in the beginning as a calling so I am told by those called, as they are both fathers, one of children and the other of the children of God. So like the others have said, spend more time discerning which one. God bless you.
Thank you, Father. We welcome those who love the East and our traditions, but not as second choice.
Sad, but true. Yet, this communion of 24 distinct rites/churches was, for me, one of the marks of the Catholic Church as the true church founded by Christ. That communion was essential to my coming home.
Again, let’s not examine the conscience of our OP. He said himself that he agrees with Church teaching in everything but this one matter.

And furthermore, he hasn’t responded yet, so maybe we should pause and await his response to the rather large amount of feedback he’s gotten.
Again, let’s not examine the conscience of our OP. He said himself that he agrees with Church teaching in everything but this one matter.

And furthermore, he hasn’t responded yet, so maybe we should pause and await his response to the rather large amount of feedback he’s gotten.
OK Father … you are correct
Um, don’t you see the irony? You say that you believe all the Church believes and that you’re a proud catholic, and yet at the same time, you’re willing to jump ship because you can’t think of controlling your desires in favor of your calling?
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I have received my vocation through discernment to be a priest at the same time I also have received the same vocation in terms of marriage. I cannot sacrifice one vocation over the other because both are from God
No conflict there - Priest marries the Church in same way Christ is Groom and Church is the Bride and God created Earth as place for his Son for wedding and created Man as friends for Groom

From 1962 Roman Missal
In God’s plan, it is not man who is the center of the universe; but Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word. God created all things for Christ. For the sake of Christ Jesus in whom the Father already had “placed all His delight” and for the sake of Mary, His Mother, “full of grace,” God decided to create man and the universe.To this Son, in whom He is well pleased, friends were to be given—and so man was created. (The race of man represents the “friends of the Bridegroom” mentioned by our Lord in the Gospel.) To this Son whom He loves, the Father will give a house and garden—and so the universe was created. Man, created for Christ, is loved in Him. We thus form, as it were, a “wedding gift” from God the Father to Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom.In Him, through Him, and for Him, we are pleasing to the heavenly Father. Without Him we are nothing. This last is very important for an understanding of the Mass. Our sacrifices are of value only through their being united with Christ’s Sacrifice. Since all have issued from the heart of God solely to give pleasure to Jesus, all then are brothers. Creation itself is our kin. The universe and I, what are we, if not a delicate thought of the Father toward His Divine Son?
You shouldn’t become Eastern Catholic just so that you can become a married priest.

As an Anglican priest you might yourself officiating at gay weddings
An not sure whether this is just in the UK, but it’s illegal for the Church of England (Anglican) to marry a gay couple.
I think this person is in the US. The Episcopal Church (USA) has some kind of same sex union blessing or something like that.
There are still faithful Anglicans out there trying to remain upright in matters of morality. It’s those folks I do not want to offend as my words do not apply to them.

So there is your clarity.
As an Anglican priest you might yourself officiating at gay weddings
An not sure whether this is just in the UK, but it’s illegal for the Church of England (Anglican) to marry a gay couple.
I think this person is in the US. The Episcopal Church (USA) has some kind of same sex union blessing or something like that.
The pastor of the Episcopal church I attended growing up was an openly gay man whose boyfriend/fiance/whatever their relation was at the time lived with him. So there’s that.
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