Ah. But did this mother who murdered her 1 year old child do so in the same type of circumstances that the mother contemplating abortion did?
For example, did she take her 1 year old to a clinic and have the doctor or nurse inject the child with saline, or have the child’s skull crushed and limbs pulled apart?
Was her ‘partner’ aware of her intent to kill the 1 year old and did he actively sanction it? Did he ‘hand her’ the tools? Did he demand that she kill the 1 year old this minute or else he’d beat her, leave her, etc?
I do indeed believe that both actions are murder–the 1 year old killed by the mother, or the child in the womb – but it’s rather rare that the mother of a 1 year old would take that child to the local Planned Parenthood and have the personnel kill the child, right? Those people would REFUSE to be a party to the death of a ‘born’ child knowing that there were penalties for murder. However, it’s extremely common for an expectant mother to go to the local Planned Parenthood and have the personnel ready, willing, and able to kill** that **child, knowing that this was not only ‘safe’ and ‘legal’ but involved no ‘murder’ or sanctions or punishment, and in fact, that they were often hailed as caring heroes saving women from being ‘punished with a baby’ and ‘condemned to a life of poverty, and the child to resentment and hate’.