Putting a Toe In

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Well, meeting the priest tomorrow. I think my husband is going to come too, to ask some questions. He has re-nigged on his whole “Yes, go ahead and be Catholic” stance to his previous, “I can’t stand it if you become Catholic” stance. I pretty much just laid it out for him and said I was going to anyway. I don’t know if it was the right thing to do or not, but I have to follow this path to its completion or it will drive me insane.
I think the wait would be most instructive for you. Not that it is any of my business, and not that I can know what’s really going on in your house! 😛
But I don’t WANT to be patient and obedient. I WANT to be Catholic!

:mad: :crying:

(Now exit the 5 year old tantrum - complete with stamping of the feet and jumping up and down screaming)
But I don’t WANT to be patient and obedient. I WANT to be Catholic!

:mad: :crying:

(Now exit the 5 year old tantrum - complete with stamping of the feet and jumping up and down screaming)
:rotfl::rotfl: Man! Do I KNOW where you’re coming from! My own frame of mind was something like: Me? You’re going to make MOI go through this stuff? But I can read the Bible in GREEK! You gotta be KIDDING!

That needed to change, don’t you think?

The essence of catholicity IS a sweet docility. So take heart. The more patient you are the “more” Catholic you are. 🙂 You will find that for Communion, you will eat the Bread of Desire. It is very wholesome fare!
LOL - Mercygate you’re way ahead of me. I’m all convinced that my 2-3 years of off and on study has made me the most brilliant potential catholic ever and here you were reading the Bible in Greek! :eek:

Yes, yes, I’m going to suck it up. It would be great if the priest would be like, “Yeah, you know, why don’t we just get you on in,” but I’ll (grudgingly) accept my lot if no such thing happens.

(just be prepared for some intermittent whimpering and whining along the way. 😛 )
LOL - Mercygate you’re way ahead of me. I’m all convinced that my 2-3 years of off and on study has made me the most brilliant potential catholic ever and here you were reading the Bible in Greek! :eek:

Yes, yes, I’m going to suck it up. It would be great if the priest would be like, “Yeah, you know, why don’t we just get you on in,” but I’ll (grudgingly) accept my lot if no such thing happens.

(just be prepared for some intermittent whimpering and whining along the way. 😛 )
Honest. I really hate to say this. I thought I was the second Cardinal Newman. Y’know: the whole world panting to see when I would make the move. Fr. Dominic arriving by night on the doorstep in the rain to receive my confession . . . .

Nah. They just looked me up and down and groaned. Here’s another one o’ them uppity Episcopalians, gonna drive us NUTS! I pleaded shamelessly to be exempted from RCIA: “PLEEEEEZE don’t make me DOOOOO this!” Nevertheless, I added, “But I will do whatever it takes.”

It really was good for me to wait. I really HATE to admit that. I needed a good dose of humble pie.
Not to rub it in but I started RCIA 2 months after I decided I want to be a Catholic and then I was able to be baptised and confirmed by Christmas because I was the only one doing the course and we were able to have meeting every week. I know that a many stages I would stamp my feet and say why didn’t my parents raise me as a Catholic but I know that the wait is worth it. The first time I was able to receive the body and blood of Christ I left the church flying high.

You will be in my thoughts and prays.
LOL - Mercygate you’re way ahead of me. I’m all convinced that my 2-3 years of off and on study has made me the most brilliant potential catholic ever and here you were reading the Bible in Greek! :eek:

Yes, yes, I’m going to suck it up. It would be great if the priest would be like, “Yeah, you know, why don’t we just get you on in,” but I’ll (grudgingly) accept my lot if no such thing happens.

(just be prepared for some intermittent whimpering and whining along the way. 😛 )
We don’t test the Lord. He tests us. In the early church, the Catechumenate waited years to enter. They hid in the Catacombs, the among the tombs, so that they would not be found. Imagine how inspiring it was to study next to the bones of the Saints and Martyrs! They studied in secret, under the penalty of death by civil authorities. Your journey is a piece of cake in comparison.

Consider: you could pop into a non-denom church, shout “I love Jesus” and be a full member. But, what commitment is that? What would you really receive in exchange? The Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ? Nope. You receive only the concept of Christ. You would have the Book about Him. But, the Reality awaits you in the Tabernacle. As the Lord has been patient with you, so you must be patient with Him.

Christ’s peace be always with you.
We don’t test the Lord. He tests us. In the early church, the Catechumenate waited years to enter. They hid in the Catacombs, the among the tombs, so that they would not be found. Imagine how inspiring it was to study next to the bones of the Saints and Martyrs! They studied in secret, under the penalty of death by civil authorities. Your journey is a piece of cake in comparison.

Consider: you could pop into a non-denom church, shout “I love Jesus” and be a full member. But, what commitment is that? What would you really receive in exchange? The Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ? Nope. You receive only the concept of Christ. You would have the Book about Him. But, the Reality awaits you in the Tabernacle. As the Lord has been patient with you, so you must be patient with Him.

Christ’s peace be always with you.
I understand all this. Really. Sure I’m impatient and a little frustrated but my whining is mostly good-natured.
I understand all this. Really. Sure I’m impatient and a little frustrated but my whining is mostly good-natured.
Amen! Consider it waiting a finite amount of time in preparation for entering an infinite time zone.

Christ’s peace.
For what it’s worth, I was a seminary graduate, DEEPLY read in Catholic theology and in some ways “too Catholic” for much of the Catholic Church when I came in. They would not BUDGE on the Easter Vigil date for being received, and that left me with a wait of 9 months. Every time I went to Mass, I cried like a baby because I could not receive the Eucharist.

In hindsight, those were a very important nine months. The patience and obedience they taught were an invaluable lesson.
In the morning, when my wife and I pray, she thanks the Lord for being Catholic and, of course, I agree. After reading your story and “Curious’s” tale, I shall be more grateful and more attentive to that prayer. “Curious,” you are in our prayers. God must love you very much. (Of course, I could say that to anyone and that would be true, come to think of it. He is amazin’:yup: !)

God bless,
Mercygate, or anyone else,

Any ideas on how I can entertain myself until the day comes? Right now I’m working on the CCC and next payday which is next week, I’m going to get a catholic bible. I do the rosary (chaplet of divine mercy) which I want to start doing every day or close to it, instead of just occasionally. And obviously, I’ll go to mass and be forever irritated that I have to do the arms crossing thing instead of getting to eat and drink.

Anything else?


Mercygate, or anyone else,

Any ideas on how I can entertain myself until the day comes? Right now I’m working on the CCC and next payday which is next week, I’m going to get a catholic bible. I do the rosary (chaplet of divine mercy) which I want to start doing every day or close to it, instead of just occasionally. And obviously, I’ll go to mass and be forever irritated that I have to do the arms crossing thing instead of getting to eat and drink.

Anything else?


Immerse yourself in scripture. Spend every hour you can in Christ’s presence at Adoration. That alone will delight you. Intercede before Him and you will see miracles.

Christ’s peace.
OMGosh… Curious and Mercygate you have me rolling on the floor!!! Mostly because I have a friend that just went through this!!! Anyway, let me tell ya all a little about my friend… His mom was brought up protestant and his dad was brought up Catholic. When mom and dad married he joined the Baptist church because she had been divorced and they didn’t want to do the annulment thing… Anyway… BAPTIST!!! So my friend was raised Baptist. He would argue scripture with me just to argue scripture… and about 2 years ago I looked at him and said, “Jake, one day you will be Catholic… mark my words!” He vehemently disagreed with me… a year later he was doing exactly what you are doing… I know more about the Catholic faith than most Catholics… they should make me Catholic NOW!!! Our pastor insisted that he go to RCIA, he fought it all the way… the priest was insistent… Well he continued to study and even met with the priest privately for instruction… about this time I start hearing little hints from him about the priesthood… Yep! He went through RCIA about a year ago was welcomed into the church and this fall he goes to the seminary…
When mom and dad married he joined the Baptist church because she had been divorced and they didn’t want to do the annulment thing… Anyway… BAPTIST!!! So my friend was raised Baptist.
How did his mom and dad accept his conversion and decision to “enlist?”👍

God bless,
haha, I know how you guys feel, but I really enjoyed the time that I spent in RCIA. We had two priests, a person who was working on a theology degree, and several helpers. It was great because we did discussions and stuff, not just sticking to the book. However, I did not go through with it because of family issues and thought that it would be better to be obedient for a time. I’m still not sure if that was the right choice. 😦 The moment I move out of the house, though, I am going to go to that church and beg to be let in. Every time I see Jesus, my heart just yearns for Him. I can honestly say that I have wanted nothing else so much in my life than to become Catholic. My soul aches for the day that I’ll be received into the Church, but in the mean time, I will study more. Hmmm, perhaps Greek and Hebrew will be on my list of things to know. 🤷
You’ll be in my prayers.
How did his mom and dad accept his conversion and decision to “enlist?”👍

God bless,
His former Catholic dad actually was the one who suggested it… talk about amazing… but the puzzling part is that I see his mom come to mass with him sometimes but never his dad… although most of the time he goes with his grandma (dad’s side).
I believe where churches that celebrate the Tridentine mass (eg. FSSP), admission to the church does not include RCIA classes (instead there is individual instruction from the priest), and entrance into the church does not necessarily occur on Easter vigil.
Rather than make a whole new thread for one simple question, I just decided to use this one.

Does anyone know what year it is? I mean like year A or B or C? I accidentally went to Barnes and Noble today and accidentally spent way too much money, which includes my very first Catholic bible. 😃 I want to do the daily readings but um…I don’t know what year it is.


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