How can that be true if the Holy Spirit is God? Wouldn’t the Holy Spirit know the day or hour also, and not just the Father?Scripture holds that of the day or hour no one knows except the Father.
How can that be true if the Holy Spirit is God? Wouldn’t the Holy Spirit know the day or hour also, and not just the Father?Scripture holds that of the day or hour no one knows except the Father.
I understand math. I think I’d be able to understand your argument if you had made a sound oneThat may be a problem.
Can you tell us the value of i^i?I understand math.
It has been done for you already in this thread. These are very simple math questions. Please see post #143.Can you tell us how to prove that all odd numbers line up with all natural numbers?
No. If you had refuted it, then you would be in line for a Fields Medal. You haven’t and you aren’t.Already refuted
Can you tell us under what circumstances a unitary operator on a Hilbert space will be compact?I understand math.
Can you tell us what is:I understand math.
Can you show us how to evaluate the triple integral of 16z dV over E where E is the upper half of the unit sphere ?I understand math.
Can you give us an example of a cyclic vector in a 3 dimensional vector space?I understand math.
Precisely, no ONE pattern could every be established in time by which the proprietor could establish his rule of shift!!!Because he would by necessity be forced to wait for the next arrival and thus see the new, temporary pattern. Whereas in the video, because there is no possibility for clustered arrivals, he can take for granted a shift of one."What if the universe is a clustered oscillation such that it is like families arriving in bunches with no repeating pattern to the bunching since the stream is infinite in length? "
Why can’t there be a pattern in an infinity?
If time always was, it would be a denial of the present reality to say you can’t add one to an infinite series
That is another “reason” why the answer is an open mystery.How can that be true if the Holy Spirit is God? Wouldn’t the Holy Spirit know the day or hour also, and not just the Father?
Ad hominem argument. You are attacking the character or reputation of the person rather than answering the question.You’re just showing off.
Can you tell us how or whether homology is related to homotopy and give examples?I understand math.
Ad hominem argument, which does not address the question but attacks your opponent.Tomdstone you sound like evolutionary biologist who get enraged against creationists
Can you give us an example of how the Gauss Bonnet theorem may be applied?I understand math.
Look up one to one correspondence and what that means.I am just interested in understanding the basic argument for your position.