I can honestly say I’m glad I don’t have to accept the catholic perspective on redemptive suffering. I, too, understand the position on an intellectual level but I’m a chronic pain sufferer and there is nothing redemptive in it for me.Pattylt:![]()
Catholic here! I don’t completely understand the Catholic view of redemptive suffering. I have a satisfactory (to me) intellectual understanding based on the concept of being joined to Christ, physically and spiritually, through his humanity and the Eucharist. If I ever have to bear excruciating suffering, I’ll report back here on the emotional and visceral aspects!their views on redemptive suffering. Whether you agree with it or not, it explains their views.
I’ll possibly lose some respect here but I have also planned my own euthanasia. Because my condition will continue to deteriorate, I know that a point in time will come where I will have had enough. My husband and I have talked through it and he’s prepared as well. It’s still years away and who knows! There may be further treatments that come about. I have nothing set in stone but I also know that I will not lie in bed being in constant pain…that’s not my definition of life.
If redemptive suffering helps Catholics deal with suffering in any way, more power to ya’all! Intellectually accepting it and physically accepting it are two very different things!:hugs: