Question about "pro-life"

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their views on redemptive suffering. Whether you agree with it or not, it explains their views.
Catholic here! I don’t completely understand the Catholic view of redemptive suffering. I have a satisfactory (to me) intellectual understanding based on the concept of being joined to Christ, physically and spiritually, through his humanity and the Eucharist. If I ever have to bear excruciating suffering, I’ll report back here on the emotional and visceral aspects!
I can honestly say I’m glad I don’t have to accept the catholic perspective on redemptive suffering. I, too, understand the position on an intellectual level but I’m a chronic pain sufferer and there is nothing redemptive in it for me.

I’ll possibly lose some respect here but I have also planned my own euthanasia. Because my condition will continue to deteriorate, I know that a point in time will come where I will have had enough. My husband and I have talked through it and he’s prepared as well. It’s still years away and who knows! There may be further treatments that come about. I have nothing set in stone but I also know that I will not lie in bed being in constant pain…that’s not my definition of life.

If redemptive suffering helps Catholics deal with suffering in any way, more power to ya’all! Intellectually accepting it and physically accepting it are two very different things!:hugs:
The joys appear to be temporary. From my own personal experience/observation and from seeing what family and friends go through, there are joys but they don’t last.
What makes you think joys are supposed to last?
That earthly pleasure is somehow the default?
I’m sorry, I forgot to add a sentence. I was going to say what if the person suffering wanted to be euthanized because that’sthe only way to end the suffering? Would Catholics still object to that?
Does this apply to mental health? Why/why not?
As someone who’s lived not a great life due to all the situations that have happened - no fault of my own in most - it unfortunately has left me to think extremely deeply about life itself and I’ve truly wondered if life is really worth living.
And yet you are still alive. I assume you think overall being alive is better.
The joys appear to be temporary. From my own personal experience/observation and from seeing what family and friends go through, there are joys but they don’t last.
Nothing lasts, except for Heaven and Hell. All things here in the world, good and bad alike, pass away.

The key is not to live for joy, but to live for peace. “Joy” is a feeling, a response to outside stimuli which we can’t control. “Peace” is a choice, a framework by which we can meet both good and bad and react appropriately to both.
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that’s not my definition of life.
None of us live life completely by our own definition. That doesn’t mean life isn’t worth living, even one in physical pain. You could still do great good and provide great comfort for others, even in your pain.

I hope you reconsider someday.
that’s not my definition of life.
None of us live life completely by our own definition. That doesn’t mean life isn’t worth living, even one in physical pain. You could still do great good and provide great comfort for others, even in your pain.

I hope you reconsider someday.
When I get to the point of being in constant pain and am unable to function on my own, that isn’t living in my world. I’m not going to lie in bed in that type of pain for a possible benefit to others.

I’m hoping that in the next ten or so years, as I get worse, there are also some medical breakthroughs beyond narcotics. As things stand now, when narcotics no longer work, I’ll be done. It’s not like I’m looking forward to this. I’m just a realist. 😔
When I get to the point of being in constant pain and am unable to function on my own, that isn’t living in my world. I’m not going to lie in bed in that type of pain for a possible benefit to others.
What’s so bad about needing help to function? And who in the entire world has ever outraced pain? Have you never hurt for the benefit of others already?
I’m hoping that in the next ten or so years, as I get worse, there are also some medical breakthroughs beyond narcotics. As things stand now, when narcotics no longer work, I’ll be done. It’s not like I’m looking forward to this. I’m just a realist. 😔
With all due respect, I wouldn’t call it realism. A real life is one lived knowing the truth that we all must go through pains for others at points in our lives.

We all have very little control over our own world, when all is said and done. That’s how the real world works, wherever one may be in it.
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With all due respect, I wouldn’t call it realism. A real life is one lived knowing the truth that we all must go through pains for others at points in our lives.
If I was going through pain on the behalf of others, I might agree. As it’s due to my own body falling apart…I disagree. This benefits no one, especially me.

I’m not Catholic. I have no belief in redemptive suffering. I have the ability to decide what I can tolerate and when it’s pointless and I will exercise that right at the appropriate time. You don’t have to agree with it and I won’t be asking you to. I will make the decision in my own time and place. I’m in no rush…
If I was going through pain on the behalf of others, I might agree. As it’s due to my own body falling apart…I disagree. This benefits no one, especially me.
Simply put, I disagree.
I’m not Catholic. I have no belief in redemptive suffering. I have the ability to decide what I can tolerate and when it’s pointless and I will exercise that right at the appropriate time. You don’t have to agree with it and I won’t be asking you to. I will make the decision in my own time and place. I’m in no rush…
Well, I hope you change your mind. Lives are worthy of life, no matter what stage or suffering they may be going through.
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Of course you are free to disagree. My decision is what’s best for me and me only!

Plus, I’ve lived a full life. I have a loving husband, children, grandchildren and I’m now retired from a great career. There will come a point where I am not really living. I’ll be existing and in pain. To me, this isn’t life. Life is more than a heartbeat and some brain activity. We all eventually say goodbye to our life. The only difference is that I will choose my exit.
When I get to the point of being in constant pain and am unable to function on my own, that isn’t living in my world.
Whoa, I’d hate to break it to you, but as someone who has a disability (autism spectrum disorder and ADHD), I have had to learn that there are a lot of things in life that I am incapable of doing. For example, I have learned that I cannot live independently, so I have to live with my family. It takes a lot of courage to get to this point, and a boatload of humility to be willing to accept help (which as someone who is very set in her ways, it still is a struggle).
I’m not Catholic. I have no belief in redemptive suffering.
Well, perseverance can be interpreted as a kind of redemptive suffering. It’s not necessarily a “Catholic” thing.
Plus, I’ve lived a full life. I have a loving husband, children, grandchildren and I’m now retired from a great career. There will come a point where I am not really living. I’ll be existing and in pain. To me, this isn’t life. Life is more than a heartbeat and some brain activity. We all eventually say goodbye to our life. The only difference is that I will choose my exit.
I can understand why you would want to choose the path you want to choose. But regardless, I’ll pray for you.
Whoa, I’d hate to break it to you, but as someone who has a disability (autism spectrum disorder and ADHD), I have had to learn that there are a lot of things in life that I am incapable of doing. For example, I have learned that I cannot live independently, so I have to live with my family. It takes a lot of courage to get to this point, and a boatload of humility to be willing to accept help (which as someone who is very set in her ways, it still is a struggle).
I’ve dealt with this since I was 16. I’ve undergone multiple surgeries and I’ve fought this every step of the way. I’ve never given up. I’m just realistic enough to know what the path ahead is and that I will most likely reach an end point before my body does.
I can understand why you would want to choose the path you want to choose. But regardless, I’ll pray for you.
Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
We Catholics believe in accepting, nay, cherishing the sufferings of life as precious gifts that allow us to grow closer to Jesus. We can even offer up our sufferings on behalf of others.

Why are we prolife? We love He who is Life. He who is the Way. He who is the Truth. Of course we love life.

Pray to Jesus and ask for help if you’re having struggles. There is help.
Prayers for you as well. Sounds like you are grateful for your life. Gratitude is essential for a vibrant life.
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