I don’t want to sound too uncharitable, but is there a particularly good way to ban gay pride parades without violating the First Amendment to the United States Constitution?
I don’t think so but they could perhaps ban certain activities that go on at them such as the nudity.I don’t want to sound too uncharitable, but is there a particularly good way to ban gay pride parades without violating the First Amendment to the United States Constitution?
Hi Tarpeian, I see you are from Massachusetts. We are neighbors as I am from Rhode Island right next door.In terms of the law, it is as legal to be a homosexual as it is to be Catholic. Any law that could ban “gay pride” parades on that basis alone could equally be used to ban St. Patrick’s Day parades. In fact, some might make the case - and have probably tried - that using municipal facilities, police, public roads, etc., for St. Patrick’s violated the “separation of church and state.”
The nudity and explicit behavior that seems to be a part of “gay pride” events could be another matter, however. But don’t bet on it.
Gee, you ask touchy questions!I don’t want to sound too uncharitable, but is there a particularly good way to ban gay pride parades without violating the First Amendment to the United States Constitution?
A city could decline giving a permit based on past pubic lewdness or nudity. To be “safe”, the issuing authority should set out clear guidelines and make it clear that violating standards will result in no permit issued in the future.I don’t want to sound too uncharitable, but is there a particularly good way to ban gay pride parades without violating the First Amendment to the United States Constitution?
No. The government cannot outlaw certain speech because they dislike the contents of the speech. The government can impose reasonable and content neutral time, place, and manner restrictions and enforce anti-obscenity laws.I don’t want to sound too uncharitable, but is there a particularly good way to ban gay pride parades without violating the First Amendment to the United States Constitution?
That attitude accomplishes nothing and is not Christian in nature. I don’t think “shipping people” anywhere is a good idea. Sounds a little like something Hitler would condone, or Stalin and the like.Give them all a one way ticket to Nigeria.
The First Amendment and several others are being systematically dismanted in the USA. Freedom of religious practice is spit on, especially by the Democratic Party, who wish to rewrite it as Freedom To Worship and then Freedom From Any Religion At All.No, but first amandmant is not infabile, while Bible is. Why are you Americans so touchy about your First amandmant??? I mean, why are there so few who dare to critise it? Almost everybody, even KKK, at least verbaly agrees with it.
Sodomite parades must be banned, because they are public mockery to God and they bring temptations.
They both have pride events, borne out of eras of police brutality and hate crimes, that accomplish to increase visibility, so that gays/blacks can’t be defined by those who hate them. For gays this means making sure people can’t define them as molesters, “child recruiters,” rapists, or other horrible things, as was heavily done in the 80s and before. For blacks, this means making sure people can’t define them as filthy, inarticulate, stupid, rude, or dangerous, as was heavily done in the 70s and before.Please do homosexuals and people of color a favor and stop trying to equate racial civil rights struggles with the struggle for homosexual “rights”. It’s degrading and lame.