burn baby burn. The worst Christians will be tortured the worst. Saved as through fire. Jim Morrison was right. Comon baby and light my fire.
However, unlike the teaching on hell where scriptural references are far more explicit and numerous, and thus there is hardly any dispute about its existence, the existence of purgatory on the other hand tends to be far more contentious, despite the scriptural passages that alludes to or points to its existence, simply because the term itself is not found in scripture. Thus we justify and defend the teaching not really for the sake of Catholics, who already accept it, but for Protestants and other non-Catholics who don’t.Why do we go thru mental gymnastic trying to justify something that exists? Purgatory exists because God created it. We don’t need to justify it. There are ample Scriptural references to the “purging” although the word “purgatory” does not exist in Scripture, it’s simply a man made term to express an actual condition which God has created.
The way I understood this remark was that Lewis was great and he was a Protestant. The first point is arguable, while the second is not.Although techinically a protestant, Lewis was an Anglican with theology very akin to Catholic theology. So I’m not sure why you say “the Great Protestant” as though he embodies protestant theology.
Sorry for jumping late into the conversation, I just wanted to through in my answer to the original question:Purgatory is for sanctification and punishment, correct? Since Christ died for us, why do we need to be punished?
Paul never said that. You state an untruth about what is written in New Testament scripture, whether intentionally or out of ignorance. It is a popular misconception, however. What Paul actually said was “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” If I said that I would prefer to be absent from the United States, and to be present in Germany; would you take that to mean that to be absent from the United States IS to be present in Germany? Of course not.There is not one church father who quotes the apostles as speaking of purgatory. Not one. Paul said, speaking as a Christian, that to be absent from the body IS to be present with the Lord. Further he said, that all believers were NOW citizens of heaven. For he said our citizenship is IN heaven.
The Catholic Answers’ tract on the Roots of Purgatory cites several early Christian writers on this subject, www.catholic.com/library/Roots_of_Purgatory.aspThere is not one church father who quotes the apostles as speaking of purgatory. Not one.