Questions about a Song

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Margaret Ellen:
When I was a teenager in the 1970s, the tune that was sung (and strummed by three high school girls and their mom) was “Sons of God” Does any one remember that hit?
The verse is " Sons of God, Hear His holy word, gather 'round the table of the Lord. Eat His Body, Drink His Blood, and we’ll sing a song of love. Hallelu, Hallelu, Halleluia!"
My dad used to imitate Bela Lugosi singing this in the car on the way home from church, much to the delight of us kids.
Poor Father got so sick and tired of this tune (as were the rest of us) that he actually said at the end of his homily, that “Sons of God” was not to be sung ever again at his Masses! Amen!! And except for demonstrating to the much younger members of our Latin Gregorian Chant choir how bad “folk Mass” music was, I never sing “Sons of God” anymore! Amen!
Our good pastor also threatened to have the ushers remove from Mass any teeny boppers who stood at the back of the church and placed their feet on the newly painted walls. He said that he had biblical precedent, citing Jesus throwing the money changers out of the Temple. Good Father Folliard, he is now pastor emeritus, and a Monsignor. 🙂
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