Well, to actually answer your questions:
Please. I mean no offense. I am genuinely curious. I’ve also read about Islamic women the hijab and am curious about wearing a head covering.
in general or just in Mass? I’ve found websites that have nice headcovers and I’ve actually seen women in Mass wearing them. They’re more like a wide scarf, worn as a hijab and the women look nice. I’ve actually thought of moving in that direction but just can’t seem to take the leap because I’m too stuck on “what if someone thinks I look funny?” mentality. (I know, I shouldn’t care, but some priests do point those types of things out, kwim? I’ve also run into too many Fem-Nazi’s that like to “inform” me that our Church has been “women-libbed” for years so I don’t have to wear something a man told me to wear.

If you don’t mind my nosiness… what made some of you decide to dress modestly? Were you raised that way? Did you join a Church that stressed dressing modestly? Did you marry someone who wanted you to dress that way?
I started to move to more skirts and dresses because I used to live in the desert of SoCal and it was HOOOOT. Wearing shorts just made the skin on my leg feel like parchment paper because there was no covering. I noticed that wearing loose and long (to about 2 inches below the knee or longer) skirts made my skin feel normal and I was actually cooler. No I was not raised that way however my parents would call me a whore if I wore anything that revealed anything. I honestly was one of those teens that didn’t like tight clothing or breast/cleavage revealing clothing, I always wore longer shorts, looser pants, nice feminine shirts that was elegant, not revealing. Yet if I happened to look nice, my parents always had a few short words for me (yes, I have self esteem issues because of it). So because of this manner in which I was raised, I feel more feminine and elegant wearing skirts and dresses. Although I do like a nice pair of slacks and/or jeans. So I’m not totally into skirts/dresses, kwim? (someday I may be there).
No I did not join any church that demanded modesty. I’ve always been Catholic so I’ve never come across any that demanded this (I’m a military brat and married to the military, so trust me, I’ve been around the globe a time or two). However, I have been to the Vatican and they have a strict dress code and while stationed in Germany, we had a priest that demanded modest clothing in the sense of “Ladies- no see through shirts, booty cut shorts or skirts, sleeveless shirts or ripped clothing. Guys- no ripped clothing, sleeveless clothing nor shorts. All, no flip flops or house shoes unless you are pregnant with foot swelling or you’ve just had foot/ankle surgery and no pajamas. We’re here for Christ, not sexual advancement.” He’d gotten alot of complaints from people because the “younger crowd” (think 30 and under) were wearing those types of clothing to Mass and I think we can all agree that that type of clothing is just improper at Mass.
As for what my DH thinks… I have no clue. I know he doesn’t really care what I wear as long as it makes me comfortable and doesn’t look trashy (both senses- trashy like a tramp and trashy like a ho-bo).
Am I a totally off base, dummy-head, who just doesn’t GET it?

Was it just a religious revelation to you? Just, being a subjective word
No, I think I’m maturing to the point of wanting to set a more feminine example to our daughters. One that they can emulate with the idea that while mom wears skirts some of the time, she looks elegant and nice, not frumpy and dumpy.
I’m actually intrigued. I’m thinking of trying to slowly move toward modest dressing,maybe wearing skirts more, and see how “liberating” it is.
I’ve heard that alot from all my friends that dress in this form of modesty. I actually like the more traditional Indian dress with the long flowing wraps, tunics and flowing pants. I don’t know why, but I just find those more comfortable looking. I’m a tomboy and I just have a hard time moving to ALL dresses/skirts. kwim?
Good luck in your search!