My girlfriend and I just went through the issue of modesty. This book, Dressing with Dignity, helped alot!!! You can see it here: . It is a very solid, orthodox, traditional book reflecting a catholic perspective on women’s dressing. It is a modern phenomenon to see woman dressing so immodestly. Much of what we even consider modest today would never have been accepted or considered modest 50 years ago or so. Get with the times? No, get with the faith is really the issue. We need to please God, not man and not man’s times. Fashions may change, God does not.
Beyond modesty, too, the question of femininity comes up. What is the way women ought to dress to express their genuine femininity? Do pants and outfits that men wear do that? I say they don’t. Dresses and skirts are feminine. Men could never wear them without betraying their gender and, I’d say, dress ought to be gender-specific. Also, dresses and skirts tend not to show off the woman’s body to a man in the same way as pants, many of which are worn very tightly today. Women may not realize just how easily a man may get ideas in his head. Men are wired different and have a very strong physical reaction to a woman’s figure and body. As Colleen Hammond says in her book, everything sacred and precious is hidden, not revealed. Diamonds are found hidden in the earth, not growing on trees. The Blessed Sacrament is in a tabernacle, not sitting out for all to see. To cover one’s body is not to ignore it or to be ashamed of it, but rather to acknowledge the sacred dignity of the body.
It is difficult today for a woman. Many people are caught up in the modern view that women’s bodies are to be shown and their figure flaunted, which only plays into the sexually immoral atmosphere of our times. A woman who respects herself enough to cover her body, waiting for the one person who deserves to see it when the time is right (i.e. her husband), is rare but is very pleasing to Our Lord.
Anyway, there’s some thoughts. I know it may not be popular but I think women ought to dress in a feminine, modest way distinct from men. Dresses and skirts are optimal as they express femininity and conceal the figure/curves (if, that is, it is a modest, long enough, dress or skirt). Radical feminism, sadly, has destroyed true femininity and also attacks true masculinity in the process. We need, as Catholic men and women, to recapture genuine masculinity and femininity in the face of a culture that focuses on the body as a means to casual pleasure and sexual immorality.
Christ’s peace to you.