Questions about "the book of mormon is wrong" article from this website

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Hello everyone, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I was just a little confused on the article on why the Book of Mormon is wrong. If any of you have any questions about my church please ask. I was hoping for a good conversation about that article so that I can better understand ya’ll of other faiths. No angry messages please.
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We have had other LDS people post here and also people who are former LDS. There have been quite a few LDS threads already.

I would also note that while discussion is okay, the forum TOS prohibits members of other faiths from proselytizing or evangelizing for their faith on this forum, so please avoid that when you discuss.

God bless
Nearly all of us who use this forum aren’t contributors to the Catholic Answers articles. We’re just regular Catholics (and non-Catholics) participating on a public forum. Anyone can respond. Want to post a few of your concerns in this topic? We can just ignore anyone on either side who is rude.
Hello, welcome to the Forums. Which article are you referencing?
So, I don’t think that there is a certain date, but we believe that some point after Jesus Christ was crucified the priesthood was taken from the earth via the apostles being killed. We believe that it lasted until Joseph Smith prayed to know which church was true and that God and Jesus Christ appeared as two separate beings and told him that none of them were fully true. What do you believed happened after Jesus Christ was killed?
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So, I don’t think that there is a certain date, but we believe that some point after Jesus Christ was crucified the priesthood was taken from the earth via the apostles being killed. We believe that it lasted until Joseph Smith prayed to know which church was true and that God and Jesus Christ appeared as two separate beings and told him that none of them were fully true. What do you believed happened after Jesus Christ was killed?
We believe that the apostles appointed bishops (overseers) to succeed their ministry and to continue to teach, evangelize, and preserve Christianity and defend its teachings, and that these bishops appointed new bishops, and this continued down to today. We believe that Christ instituted a living Church intended to carry on through the ages through his apostles, and that while it wouldn’t be without difficulties, the Church was promised by Christ not to fail.

We see the apostles select a replacement in Acts, and Paul selected Timothy and Titus and told them to select others. Early Christian writings from the first, second, and third centuries support this view of bishops and that they received their appointment down a line tracing its way back to the apostles, and that as a root for helping to identify correct teaching from incorrect (such as the gnostics).
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What do you believed happened after Jesus Christ was killed?
That he rose from the dead, started His church (the Catholic Church) and ascended into heaven. He sent the Apostles and Disciples went to out spread the word of God. Christianity was born and has been in existence since that time, around 33AD. St Peter, the Apostle, was the first leader of the Catholic Church and there is an unbroken line of succession since him. BTW old Joe Smith isn’t in that line.
“Tell the Mormon missionaries: “Look, it is foolish to pray about things you know are not God’s will. It would be wrong of me to pray about whether adultery is right, when the Bible clearly says it is not. Similarly, it would be wrong of me to pray about the Book of Mormon when one can so easily demonstrate that it is not the word of God.””
That is the last paragraph from the article what wrong with the book of Mormon.
I guess one of my questions is do you guys really think that the book of Mormon is on the same level as adultery? And if so why?
The Book of Mormon contradicts many of the teachings and practices of the catholic faith. For me as a Catholic, the Book of Mormon is simply heretical teachings, teachings that point away from Christ and the church and the truth which he established. These truths that the Catholic Church has held onto and protected since the time of Christ.
Many of these teachings are simply personal ideas of Smith that are not supported biblically or through Tradition and history.
I guess one of my questions is do you guys really think that the book of Mormon is on the same level as adultery? And if so why?
That passage does not equate the BoM to adultery. It says it’s wrong to pray for something to be God’s will when you know it’s the opposite, and I do believe that Mormonism is false and not God’s will.

Joseph Smith apparently could do something that God couldn’t: create a Church that could withstand the gates of Hell. Morminism believes my Church was corrupted and God abandoned it. Somehow God is unafraid of sin and can forgive, except He can’t forgive the Catholic Church. God is loving, but abandoned His people for 1500 years. I find it hard to believe that the Catholic Church was beyond the pale and can’t be redeemed but somehow Mormonism is unblemished and will presumably never fall. If God can abandon one Church, there’s nothing keeping Him from doing it again. Really it’s only a matter of time by that logic.
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I don’t think that there is a certain date, but we believe that some point after Jesus Christ was crucified the priesthood was taken from the earth via the apostles being killed.
Interesting. Because Mormons don’t believe that all the apostles were killed. They believe that John the Beloved was given power over death and that he would remain in mortality to tarry upon the earth until Jesus’ return, at which point he would be changed from mortality to immortality at the twinkling of an eye. So, if the priesthood were taken from the earth as you say, it can only mean that the Apostle John had his priesthood stripped from him. I have two follow up questions:
  1. Where in your scriptures does it talk about John having the priesthood taken away from him?
  2. If his priesthood was taken away, how did John, along with Peter and James, lay his hands on the heads of Joseph and Oliver and give them something that he didn’t have to give?
I hope you’re going to stick around because I have a lot of questions for you.
Hello everyone, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I was just a little confused on the article on why the Book of Mormon is wrong. If any of you have any questions about my church please ask. I was hoping for a good conversation about that article so that I can better understand ya’ll of other faiths. No angry messages please.
What article are you referring to? Can you provide a link?
Sorry guys. You all have really good answers. I will try to answer with the best of my ability. However I hope y’all realize I’m not perfect in my answers and I apologize for any inaccuracy. Where to start… 😉
So, a little background. We believe in a plan of salvation, where we lived with our father in heaven before earth and that we have the opportunity after death to return. We believe that after death, people go to a place called spirit paradise and spirit prison (that is where we believe the idea of heaven and hell comes from). After the second coming, we will get a thousand years (where Satan/Lucifer is bound and cannot tempt mankind) to better ourselves and teach those in spirit prison before we get judged by God and we go to basically one of 3 places. Celestial kingdom (highest kingdom where God lives and we will can become like him as we progress through eternity), the Terrestrial kingdom (where Jesus Christ can visit us and is basically a painless earth), or the Telestial kingdom that is like a slightly better earth where the holy ghost can visit us but god and Jesus cannot).

Now, to get to the celestial kingdom, we believe that you have to make special covenants with god. Some of those include baptism, temple covenants, and marriage. Neither man nor woman can get to the celestial kingdom without having all the covenants and being married to a spouse. I hope that explains the question. 🙂
For some reason the website wont let me put a link in, but I think that Fauken was able to explain to me what the last paragraph means really well. Thank you by the way Fauken!
You have some excellent points sir. I had to talk to some of my young men’s leaders to make sure I don’t tell you wrong. If I am not stepping over any boundaries, were you a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?

I do apologize for my poor wording. I was wrong to assume that you would understand what was in my head without the proper wording. It can be confusing. I will reword it a little more accurately.

So, we do not believe that John had his priesthood stripped away. In fact, there are three people who we believe have the same blessings who dwelled in the America’s after Christ appeared to the Nephite nation talked about in the book of Mormon.

Here is what I understand from the knowledge I have learned so far.

So, I was wrong about saying that all the priesthood was taken from the earth. However, the people of Jesus’s time did crucify him and kill most of his apostles. Now, were there righteous people? Absolutely yes. But we believe that God wanted to wait to bring forth the whole church until the people of this earth were more acceptive of his teachings. And that is exactly what happened. I am not great at finding scripture passages but if you look at Amos 8:11, that is talking about the great apostasy. During Joseph Smith’s early life, people were so stirred up in religious conflict, that he had to pray to god and ask for the truth. That is when we believe that God and Jesus Christ thought that the world was ready to fully accept their gospel.

Therefore, there were people on this earth with the priesthood. But, the priesthood is the power of God. If the way you use it is contrary to the will of God, or you have sinned and are not worthy at that time to use it, then it is null and void. That is what I understand about the Great apostacy.
That makes me very sad to hear. The way you describe it does sound very depressing. Maybe you will understand what I believe after you read what I posted for Mr. Lemuel.

Let me tell you this though, we do not believe that God hates your church. You are right that god is perfectly loving and forgiving. Nor do we believe that Joseph Smith is perfect. Nobody who ever walked this earth is or was perfect except for Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith never could have succeeded without Jesus Christ guiding his work. Not only that, but we do work for the dead in our temples. They will have the same opportunities as we do in the life to come. That is why we do not see it as God giving up on humanity for 1800 years. He wants all of us to come back and live with him in the Celestial kingdom.
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