Questions about "the book of mormon is wrong" article from this website

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No it was for the OP. Maybe we weretyping at the same time. I can’t figure this system out.
What are spirit babies abd why would I want to spend eternity having babies when I could enjoy the beatific vision?
If these questions are hard they should prepare you for what outsiders think about Mormons.
Mormons believe that we were all spirits in the pre-mortal existence. That’s why he wants you to understand the plan of salvation. We have two births. First was the birth of our spirits from a Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who bore us our spirits. Second was a physical birth upon this earth from an earthly father and earthly mother who bore us our physical bodies.

Spirit babies are the literal offspring of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

The Mormon definition of the soul is the union of a physical and spiritual body.
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  1. Where did Christ teach that His Church would fail?
  2. Where did Christ prophesy that once His Church failed, it would then be “Made in the USA”?
  3. Where did Christ prophesy that there would be another testament which refutes His own Testament? i.e. deny His eternal divinity? I thought that the devil denied Christ’s divinity, i.e. “IF you are Son of God…”
  4. What the heck is “Reformed Egyptian”? Masters of linguistics have never heard of it - either believers or non-believers. What other language in human history has been called “reformed”?
  5. Carbonated soda is now OK? WUWT?
  6. Never mind the money. Show me the PLATES!!!
Carbonated soda is now OK? WUWT?
Not sure what you mean with this one. Sodas aren’t part of the WoW. I drank them all the time when I was Mormon, and so did most of the BYU students. They even sold soda on campus and at the Cougar Eat etc.

Now, if you are referring to caffeinated sodas, many Mormons avoid those, but they weren’t enough to deny someone a TR.

I was a cherry Coke fan (still am) during my BYU years.
I didn’t say you believe Joseph Smith was perfect. I said he managed to accomplish something that Christ, who is perfect, apparently couldn’t. What sense does that make?
I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet. ~Joseph Smith Jr.
So many thought that I can’t charitably share. So many thoughts! 😡
I’m afraid that the poor guy @I8jacob must be feeling like he’s at the bottom of a dog pile right now. Maybe he will come back, and maybe he won’t. I would sure like to hear his answers to all these questions.

But since we are asking questions, I wanted to just throw out another one which is about the OP topic of the Book of Mormon:

Mormons believe that the Book of Mormon is, “the most correct of any book on this Earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than any other book.” I think it’s fair that if such a book would help draw a man nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than any other book, that such a book would certainly say something about the nature of God, would it not?

Mormons believe that:

God the Father has a body of flesh and bones.

God the Father was once a man on a planet like us.

God the Father became a God through righteous living in his previous mortality.

God the Father lives on a planet near the star named Kolob.

God the Father is eternally progressing.

That there are many Gods.

We can become Gods.

That God is married.

So, using only the Book of Mormon, can you please describe the nature of God for us, specifically these characteristics which seem unique to Mormonism?
Ok, I am sorry to disappoint but I will not bible bash with y’all. If you have actual questions and you are not going to bible bash, send me a private message.

One question I have about the catholic faith is how long are your Sabbath day meetings?
One question I have about the catholic faith is how long are your Sabbath day meetings?
What has that got to do with the truth of any religion?

Not all the questions are “Bible bashing”. You are free to ignore any question and answer those that you feel you can. You may also need to toughen up your skin a bit. You came here and invited the questions. There is no rule that says they must only be easy ones.
Y’all call the BOM “another testament of Jesus Christ.” Where is your proof of this?

If Joseph Smith was truly a prophet used by God to restore His church, why did Joseph Smith plagiarize books of the Bible and the writings of others to make the BOM more convincing as “another testament of Jesus Christ” when it clearly isn’t?

And what proof do y’all have that “Kolob” is a real star/planet?
Ok, I am sorry to disappoint but I will not bible bash with y’all.
I’ve read this whole thread. And I don’t see anyone bashing the Bible. Now if you are referring to the BOM, that is not the Bible.
We all have asked sincere questions. I think he’s unable to answer them.
That is true, I cannot answer all your questions. I do see partial truths from lemuel. You are really close with some of your answers to questions. I encourage all of you with questions about my church to go to the church website. I think they will be much more adequate answers than I can give. Thankyou all for the discussions and farewell!
The sabbath is a Jewish holy day. Catholics do not have a sabbath. We have the Lord’s day, a Sunday. We dont have “meetings” we celebrate a liturgical ritual called “Mass”
That is true, I cannot answer all your questions. I do see partial truths from lemuel. You are really close with some of your answers to questions. I encourage all of you with questions about my church to go to the church website. I think they will be much more adequate answers than I can give. Thankyou all for the discussions and farewell!
Its too bad that you appear to not have been sincere about wanting to have a discussion. We all could have benefited. Does have forums some of us could ask questions on?
I do see partial truths from lemuel.
That’s the same as saying that you see partial untruths from Lemuel. But of course, you make dirty accusations and run. In the world of forums, this is what we call “hit and run”.
I encourage all of you with questions about my church to go to the church website. . I think they will be much more adequate answers than I can give. Thankyou all for the discussions and farewell!
I’m not sure what you were expecting when you came on here, but if you were expecting that people (some of whom are former Mormons) who hang out on a forum whose purpose is to use Apologetics to defend the Catholic faith on a Catholic forum would have push over arguments, then you were naively mistaken. I hope our questions have got thinking, and that you will become Catholic and experience the great joy we do in the fullness of truth.
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