Let’s be pretty clear here. The Big Bang was the origin of the Observable Universe… or at least the point at which there was an expansion. If there was a before (if that even makes sense as a concept, to paraphrase Hawking, its like asking what’s north of the North Pole), then current theory can’t say what that was like.Fourthly, the Big Bang created this universe. Chicken and egg. You need 2 universes to make one universe? Over time, you will not have enough universes to make new ones. And you are left with this universe as the last remaining one.
The other error I think you’re making is assuming that if there is a multiverse (a rather big assumption in my view, and one not at all warranted at this time), that somehow it must follow the rules of causality that rule our universe. What if causality is simply a feature of our universe, and not, in fact, a feature of the multiverse or any other universe? I’m assuming you believe in God, so you already accept infinity, so what if infinity in time and in matter/energy is a feature of this postulated (and completely unevidenced) multiverse?