No I am not aware of the story and it is not relevant to the discussion whether God could have made other worlds. You have not said anything to refute whether God could have made other worlds or to support the view that God has no other choice or the arbitrary position you touted.You probably wouldn’t be aware of the story that the late Christopher Hitchens became used to tell about his first inklings that people had the wrong idea about God. It was when his doddery old English teacher took his class out for some nature study when he was about 9 or ten. She remarked that wasn’t it wonderful that God had made all the countryside so green because He knew that green was such a pleasing colour to us.
I had a feeling that he might have made that up as a good story. But now here you are repeating the exact same thing. My apologies Hitch, wherever you are at this moment. It seems there people who believe such things.
The things we do for our children, don’t we think it through before we select them or were they all arbitrary because we as parents have no choice? No effort is required? Now you have a Supreme Being and do you think He has no choice and just do things arbitrarily?
Do you think no (name removed by moderator)ut is required to create something? Just thinking about it requires effort.The effort He put into it? The effort?
Why are you asking these questions? These are not relevant to the subject on hand and perhaps smacks of a bit of contempt/sarcasm for the beliefs of others.Is that why He needed to rest on the seventh day? Because of all the effort that He’s put in during the first six?