Hi there! I’ve been discerning my vocation for the past half a year and I have come to the conclusion that God may be calling me to the priesthood. I’m really excited about that, but I have some concerns about whether or not it would be right for me. I’m 15 years old and a sophomore at a Catholic high school. I think God wants me to be a priest, but there are some things in the Church that I just cannot agree with.
Gay marriage: I understand that the Church is against gay marriage, but I have always been told in my house that it is okay for gay people to get married, and I agree with that. I am concerned that my opinion on gay marriage prevents me from becoming a priest because I fear that if I was a priest and had this opinion, I may be defrocked or excommunicated for it.
If there is anybody here who shares my dilemma or who can provide an answer, please give me one! Also, if there are any priests here who can shed some light on this, please do.
Thank you and God bless.
Gay marriage: I understand that the Church is against gay marriage, but I have always been told in my house that it is okay for gay people to get married, and I agree with that. I am concerned that my opinion on gay marriage prevents me from becoming a priest because I fear that if I was a priest and had this opinion, I may be defrocked or excommunicated for it.
If there is anybody here who shares my dilemma or who can provide an answer, please give me one! Also, if there are any priests here who can shed some light on this, please do.
Thank you and God bless.