Hello. Thank you very much. but let me ask some questions:Hallo, Javid,
I don’t know if your experience is similar to my own, but my experience was that I found it impossible to understand The Trinity and the Hypo-static union of Christ (100% God and 100% man) until I understood the difference between nature and person. Only after understanding that could I see that there’s no contradiction in saying God is one in three, because it’s not one nature in three natures, or three natures in one, or one person in three persons or three persons in one, but one single nature in three distinct persons.
Nature and Person
We ourselves have an instinctive understanding of the difference between nature and person (The what of a being and the who of a being) in the way we interact and speak about ourselves.
a) If an alien came to Earth and asked you, “What are you?” You’d answer him “I’m a human being”. Why? Because you would understand that he was asking “What type of being are you?” or “What is your nature?” He saw you and wondered, what kind of creature is this?
-We understand that human nature involves the union of a body like the one we all have and a rational soul. When I see it I know what type of a being that is (a man) because he has everything that involves being human.
b) But if the alien asked you “Who are you?”, you would never say “I’m a human being” but more likely you would say, “I am Joe Francis”, or “Will Smith” etc. Again Why? Because you’d understand that he was asking for an identity, a person.
c) Also, we tend to speak of our natures as things we possess, almost like property…My body, my soul…Who is this who takes complete and unapologetic ownership over the body and soul? Who is it in us who says "my body, my soul, with absolute right and entitlement? We seem to understand that we are not our bodies, nor our souls, but that they are ours. The body and soul together is the perfect human nature (what it means to be human) and it is yours, not you. Why? Because you, my friend are actually a person, who has a nature. They are not the same.
Now, there is such a deep union between the person and the nature, that it is not like the way you own your bag, or house or anything else. You could never own your bag in such a way that it could be said to be “one with you”, so much that whatever happens to the bag, it could be taken as having happened to you…Nonsense! That would be insane. The bag has its own existence separate from you, you wouldn’t even appreciate what it means to be a bag!
But the union of the person and his nature is just such a union that they are said to be one. It is such a deep perfect and permanent union, that you cannot speak of one without the other, which is why we often confuse them. What we see the nature of a human do, we ascribe to the person. It’s the person who acts in the nature. Because of this complete control, perfect possession of nature by the person as well its perfect union with them…
For example, if someone slapped you, they would not be able to say to you “Oh I’m sorry, it wasn’t me, it was my hand”. Nor do we say, “My body walked to Church today”, or “My mouth ate today” but* I *walked, I ate etc. We understand that whatever the body does, it is the person who does them.
The Nature of God
What is God’s nature? What type of being is he? What kind of existence does he have? God identified himself to Moses as “YHWH” which is “I am who AM” or “I am he who IS” or “I am that I AM”. This is the verb “to be” which is to exist. Now, you exist, I exist, as does everything we see all around us, so why would God chose the fact of his own existence…to be…as the way to identify himself, to set himself apart from all others? Because it is God’s own nature to exist, fully, always, perpetually, without limits. We ourselves have a particular way of existing, which is to be human, the animals have different ones, the plants, even the angels have distinctive ways of existing, given by God the Creator. A creature is one who exists in a limited way, these limits give us the different kinds of natures. I cannot exist as a flower, cat, or angel, I’m limited to the human being, neither can an angel be a human or a flower. These are limits…God’s nature is that existence that has ''no particulars" or no limits. While a flower is beautiful or has beauty, God our creator is not just beautiful or good or powerful, but the fullness of beauty itself (what it means to be beautiful), that is, ultimate beauty, beauty without limit (in-finiteness) He is ultimate goodness, ultimate power etc
Do you believe that concept of God is overall or trivial?
What is “I”(me)? Is it apart from my body and my soul? Is it my soul? Is it my body? Is it Combination of soul and body that if one of them be apart from the other, I would be disappeared?
Please give me your definition of holy trinity. A definition that shows your comments does not show a modalist model or a god with three parts.
What do you mean “Personality”, exactly? How can we imagine person without nature and how can we imagine one nature with three persons?
Do you believe that three persons of holy trinity are equal in all details?(according to logic definition)
Your answers will help me very much, please answer one by one,