Questions for Teachers

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This is a small school, as someone asked, and when one family leaves, it is no big deal for them for there is a long waiting list of families wanted in the school. We had to wait two years…
I thought first grade was bad and my sister told me that second grade would be better and it was not. They see nothing wrong in giving excessive amounts of homework…
Its a great way to control the children. They are stressed out, and that quiets them down. Trouble is, by the time they are twelve, they hate school. And are unmotivated to learn. Just when their education should be taking off.
If a child, as they are quite a few in first grade, cries before school, they are “whining and wanting attention.” They dismiss the fact that the kids hate to come to school and in first grade. The teacher is like a military drill sergeant…
Yeah, or reform school. Where the children are punished for being children. Someday they well have to answer for all this.
In this conference, they even said something bad against my niece saying that my dd has learned her “methods” of manipulation. I was offended by that and that they called her a “drama queen.” I felt like saying that the school was terrible to her when her family was affected by divorce and just told her to “dry it up” when she cried because mommy and daddy were getting a divorce. She had a terrible time adjusting and they put the blame on the child…
This sounds like a very bad school!!! They don’t sound Catholic to me. In name only.
Part of me wants to take her out now, but I would hate to do over the entire second grade.
I would call the Catholic Homechoolers Association nearby and get info on how you might be able to get her out now. Someone will help you.
oops - my quote was placed wrong in the post before this. Nana3 was the one who said “I think other parents should speak up”
I also wanted to ask, was the wait of two years worth it?

Sorry for al the typos in those posts. I was rushing to post, and then when I got back to edit, it was too late.
Part of me wants to take her out now, but I would hate to do over the entire second grade.
Why would you have to do over the entire second grade? They should have been teaching your daughter something.

I don’t know what the laws are where you are, but why can’t you pull her out today, don’t send her for Friday. Start on Monday with some worksheets printed from on line. Use stuff like that and some library books to keep her in work until the end of the school year.

Start looking into what you want to use next year. And get off to a really good start in Aug/Sept.

But get her out of there. If they are talking to you about other families, they are talking to other families about you.
Why would you have to do over the entire second grade? They should have been teaching your daughter something…
Good point. I didn’t see where Nana said she thought she had to start over for second grade. But of course not. My educated guess is, if you ask local homeschoolers for advice (they’d be glad to give it to you, and they know the local district expectations and state laws for education to keep you safe in your choices) you’ll find all you have to do is give her some Math worksheets and read her some books of your choice, and you are okay for the year. Let her draw pictures, and create some music. And go to Mass with you. She will excell, learning in a relaxed environment, without the oppression of a fear-monger.
I don’t know what the laws are where you are, but why can’t you pull her out today, don’t send her for Friday…
I agree!
Start on Monday with some worksheets printed from on line. Use stuff like that and some library books to keep her in work until the end of the school year…
A good plan!
…Start looking into what you want to use next year. And get off to a really good start in Aug/Sept.

But get her out of there… .
…If they are talking to you about other families, they are talking to other families about you.
Thats the truth. And its only one of many of the examples that Nana gave of gross lack of moral values those in charge there have demonstrated. Sounds like the place is infected.

I also wanted to add, as far as talking to other parents, you will find among those you talk to those who prefer to be in denial about problems, because they have that part of their life “set” and they don’t want to revisist it. Also, you will find those whose children do not communicate with them, so they assume everything is fine with their child, and don’t want to see problems where they don’t see them. You’ll find those that agree, but its going to take a lot of voices, and committed people who persist over the long haul to effect any changes.
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