Questions from a former Catholic thinking about returning

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Plus, there’s the whole level of embarrassment of “I-know-your-face-because-I’ve-sat-next-to-you-for-10-years-but-I-have-no-clue-who-you-are.” 😛
Mercy, yes! I’m glad it isn’t just me. I’ve managed to memorize the names of a handful of people in my large church, mainly because I’ve volunteered with them on a couple of projects. But mainly, I’m at a loss. Many people seem to recognize me, even if they don’t remember my name. I really try with the names and sometimes even get them right, but I have a slight facial recognition problem, which is kind of embarrassing, since I think people think I’m stuck up or just uncaring about meeting people.
Naturally, but if people understood that as hyperbole, not many people would have left Him in John 6.
John 6:60 “Many of his disciples, when they heard it said, ‘This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?’”
And later
John 6:66 "After this many of his disciples drew back and no longer went about with him.
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