I am not vying for canonization, to clear things up, just to witness to my Christian Catholic Faith.
Sometime between the years l980-84, I wrote to Alan Landsburg Productions, Los Angeles Ca, the producers of the TV show, :That’s Incredible" Cathy Crosby, Fran Tarkington, and John Davidson were all M.Cs. I noticed what I believed were paranormal activity with some of the participants, although I didn’t think they were aware of it. eg. a man with only one eye socket reading a driver’s license number, another reading licenses in wallets, still in pockets, a house in N.J. covered with a mysterious coating no one could remove, an old man diving from a 90 foot tower into 6 inches of water, belly-first and walk away unhurt ( I could do a belly whopper of the side of a pool and hurt myself). So I suspected paranormal activity . I wrote (and I am looking at their response on a post card before me) that they could perform a simple exorcism using the Name of Jesus. They responded that not during the present shows, but in the future, and they would notify me when they would. I said that it is within the competence of any Christian to do the exorcism. They never got back with me. Sometime later during the ending of one of the TV series, Cathy Crosby announced that they performed an exorcism, and the audience would be surprised at what happened. Then a surprising thing happened, they cancelled the whole TV show. I learned that they were having trouble on the set, they were being sued, one, or more of the people involved in driving through a fiery tunnel got injured. To me it was no surprise. This was only the begining of my encounter with the devil.
I was levitated in the presence of the men I worked with in my shop 11-15 aprox. This levitation had nothing to do the the levitation experience by St. Theresa of Avilla My levitation wasn’t a holy levitation. It was a result of a “supposedly” trick. Two friends said they could lift my l65 lbs with four finger, one man on each side, placing two fingers under my knee joint, and two under arm pits. The two men were of small stature. I had a fitness studio at one time, and I know what l65 lbs feels like. They sat me down in a chair and proceeded with a ritual of pushing down on my head (like comressing a spring) placing the fingers, and lifted me up. I felt no force of gravity, and felt like a feather. I sensed there was something wrong, I was a subject of paranormal activity. Convinced, I suggested to the men to pray with me silently, Father in the Name of Jesus expell this deceiving spirit." They then proceeded to lift me again, and the same thing happened. One of the men stated that he could have lifted me to the ceiling, I was so light. I was really perplexed, but still convinced I was right. What was I doing wrong? Then the moment of inspiration! Make an open profession of Faith. I did and said the same prayer but openly so that every one could hear it. I sat down in the chair, the men proceeded. but this time they couldn’t lift me, several tried with the same result. My bottom slid across the chair from sheer force but that was it. ( continued next post)