This is what I don’t understand. If you have two alternatives and you’re absolutely sure of the sacredness and reverence of one of the two ways, why go with the other, which is at best controversial and at worst, sacrilegous, scandalous, and even a near occasion of excommunication?I looked at your site no where do I see where the Pope addresses this particular site or gives His specific approval of itl. Whereas Unavoce, the Pope has said to UInavoce they have played an important role, they have been obedient to the Holy Father, it is a valuable service, and further He expressed His gratitude to its members and blessed them. So you want me to believe this author over the Pope?
Furthermore, we Catholics should stop using the word “approves” when we really should be using the term “tolerates up to a point.”
I’m sure the Holy Father doesn’t approve of communicants walking off with the consecrated Hosts at the papal Masses in their wallets and purses. But it seems these liberals will seek out as many websites as possible to plead their case for it.