The US is the least racist country I’ve ever seen. And I’ve been to 12 different countries on 4 continents.I think the US has come a long way in reducing racism
The US is the least racist country I’ve ever seen. And I’ve been to 12 different countries on 4 continents.I think the US has come a long way in reducing racism
The fact that you even ask this question tells me that you either live in a bubble, or you haven’t been paying attention. Yes, there is certainly such a thing as racism currently, and it is wide spread. Where are you from OP? I’m from the American Deep South originally, and I can tell you firsthand that racism is alive and well in the Southeast. Even among my own family.Is there currently such a thing as racism?
It’s not about ruining someone’s day. It’s about the posts earlier that seem to imply that racism is a nonentity.Jingoism. Nationalism. Or maybe it is racism. Who knows, but are those words alone really enough to ruin someone’s day? If it is it shouldn’t be.
Yes thank you.Certainly we should not forget the past racial evils of the Democratic Party, nor the heroic efforts against racism of the Republican Party. They happened. The “solid South” was a thing for a reason.
Please clarify this statement. It seems to imply Trump supporters or Republicans are unconsciously racist. I’m sure you didn’t mean that, right?I know Trump voters, including my own father, so I do not subscribe to the idea that every Trump supporter or Republican is consciously racist …
Look I think this is wrong. Do the (incredibly small) number of white racists support the Republican Party over the Democratic Party. Yes.But it is also true that today the most obvious racists (KKK members and proud neo-Nazis, for example) tend to throw their lot in with the Republicans and especially Trump. You may not want to believe that “the parties switched,” but certainly some of the members switched parties. Just as we should not erase the facts of the past to canonize or demonize a particular party, we should not ignore the facts of the present to insist that our party is always and forever on the side of right. If the GOP wants to be honoured as the Party of Lincoln, it needs to clean house.
such as ? … and do the people you are going to mention have support from the Republican Party?but look around at some of the people publicly and proudly on your team, and deal with them if you don’t want to be tainted by their actions.
You have to be joking. Racism is the Easter bunny?Is there currently such a thing as racism?
Conversely (referring to my post above that of course there is racial bias in this country) it is not difficult to show academic bias against students whose cultural or political views differ from those of their instructors. “Agree with my politics” is not in the grading rubric and instructors will deny bias, but you’d better believe that students learn very quickly to figure out what biases their instructor has–whether conservative or liberal or what have you–and to steer clear of challenging those views. There are instructors who go out of their way to grade based on the quality of the argument rather than whether or not they agree with it, but students learn that is NOT the way to bet.. If we were all properly educated, we would all apparently be conservative? I cannot trust the media, even my college textbooks, etc because they are liberally biased and slanted. I’m not that paranoid.
Nothing in the definition you gave indicates hatred.What about my definition and progression of racism does not include hate? Where did I miss you?
Nice to see the true hatred in the hearts of leftists unmasked. Hurling insults at people because they want the wrong color to continue existing.First of all, there are white supremacists who literally make it their lives work to preserve the white “race,”
No…I mean the kind of racists who keep a web site and they come out and say they believe there is such a thing as racial superiority in unvarnished terms. Really. There are literally people who openly say they want America to be all-white and who want white people to only date and marry other white people and have all-white babies. Not only that, they are into “eugenics,” too.Nice to see the true hatred in the hearts of leftists unmasked. Hurling insults at people because they want the wrong color to continue existing.