**1. **The official backing of the Roman Empire explains the spread and popularity of Christianity in that sphere of influence sufficiently, just like crazed violence and zeal explains the rapid spread of Islam in the 7th-8th centuries (rather than it being a sign of God’s exclusive ordination in either case).
**2. **Christians can’t even agree about what constitutes the “central visible authority,” and they never have. All we have are various contradictory understandings of what Christianity means and a bunch of garbled texts and competing traditions, the meaning of which has always been hotly debated.
**3. **How could they possibly be so confused? How can anyone believe in Mormonism? How can anyone embrace Hinduism? It all seems so manifestly false and fraudulent from the outside doesn’t it? Herd-mentality, superstition, and ignorance were and are powerful influences on us, unfortunately. People, to this day, still believe in astrology. Goodness, gracious! How is that possible? People engage in superstitious ritualistic behavior for their sports teams, people consult “psychics,” people go to psychologists even though there are dozens of contradictory theories of the human mind and they all stand up to scientific testing equally well.
**4. **They weren’t telling lies. They were confused and mistaken, just like the rest of us about nearly everything! If there were so many primary witnesses, why weren’t their names and testimony recorded? Paul says “500.” Why didn’t he name them and state where they could be found?
**5. **I can offer you a fuller and more coherent explanation of Christianity if you want, but this particular thread doesn’t seem to be the right place.
**6. **Here is one possible explanation for why people
today believe in various forms of Christianity:
**7. **Why did the earliest members of the Christian cult believe? For the same reason the followers of Mithras, Isis, Attis, Cybele and members of other mystery cults from that period believed. Novelty, exclusivity, excitement, mystery: these things appealed to the bottom rung of the society at the time.
**8. **It’s just that one of these mystery religions happened to be adopted by an influential Emperor and become the official state religion of the Roman Empire while the others did not. The rest is documented history.