How about this: why don’t you tell me precisely how I can distinguish infallible magisterial statements from opinion. Once you tell me that, I can proceed. What would be better is an official list of Church teachings dating from from the first century. You know, cuz Catholicism is 2,000 years old right? And it’s always been true right? And truth doesn’t change right?Find the magisterial documents that say these things, then we can have a discussion about them. In the body of magisterial teaching on these subjects, you will find the necessary contextual subtleties and distinctions that clear the difficulties. As long as you live in the shadows, there can’t be meaningful discourse…
And you are still operating under a super-ultramontanism, where anything any Christian says is “what the Church teaches” or some such thing.
So… Can we put Wolfram to bed? Please?
Wolfram shows us that a saint and bishop somehow managed to get to that status while being woefully poorly catechized. Or, he was well catechized (like we would expect of a saint and bishop) and the Church has changed its teachings.