Radical Catholicism

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yes. like people would say " radical islam " I was just doing some research to see if there is such a thing in regards to Catholicism ?
Yes, I agree theologically. I’m indeed talking about being attached to an organization whether that be the Catholic or Protestant or whatever.
So you look on “the Vatican” as an organization?

I know we’re democratic here and all, but Jesus is a King, not a CEO. His Church (which has its vicar, the Pope, and his helpers who include the cardinals, the bishops, and priests and religious who then ‘reach out’ to help the rest of us -the laity) is not some equivalent to your local government (or heaven help us the Federal Government).
Trying to nuance this into the trendy “shades of gray” introduces murkiness and confusion. That is not of God.
THANK YOU! These discussions can quickly lead to a Catholic-Off or any Catholic-ier-than-thou kind of thinking.
yes. like people would say " radical islam " I was just doing some research to see if there is such a thing in regards to Catholicism ?
Usually, by the time people call themselves “radical,” or otherwise earn the title, they’re no longer what they claim to be. Sedavacantists come immediately to mind.
Catholicism cannot not be radical.

Taken seriously, it is an absolute “reset” of what one’s life would be like without it, and calls us to a way of thinking, and modes of behavior, that are positively baffling to those who don’t believe in it. In addition to many other things you can call Him, Our Lord Jesus Christ was the ultimate “revolutionary” — not only of individual hearts, but of the society and civilization of much of the world as well. Asia (at least the central and eastern part) is the only continent that has not been fundamentally transformed by His message. Even among Muslims, the message of Jesus (or a large part of it) is very real. I will have to say that the non-theological part of Christianity makes so much sense, that even if I were a nonbeliever, I would follow Christian philosophy and morality almost whole and entire, because it’s so good, and so much better than anything else ever known to man.

Who has ever affected the world more than Jesus?
Catholicism in its very nature is radical when compared to pagan culture. The world HATES us just for existing. There really is no way to be more radical than that. The more devout you become in the faith the more “radical” you are seen to be.
yes. like people would say " radical islam "
I think radical islam these days specifically refers to people who kill or attempt to kill others in the name of Islam.

If Catholics were doing that in the name of Jesus, they would deserve that title too.
Don’t know what that is.
Subtweeting (mentioning someone’s name without the @ symbol) is the Internet equivalent of talking about someone behind his or her back.

As in “real life,” it’s considered bad manners.
No I didn’t mean to imply all attachments. I think we must make sure our faith is based on a personal relationship with God. That needs to be stressed. Our church should be a corporate expression of that relationship.
Subtweeting (mentioning someone’s name without the @ symbol) is the Internet equivalent of talking about someone behind his or her back.
Never heard such nonsense.

If anything, mentioning someone’s name with the @ on twitter is either seen as pandering for a retweet (if you praise them) or trying to get a response/rise out of them when you criticise them.

I wasn’t talking about anybody behind their back. This is a public forum and the person I am talking about can go and see what I wrote any time they like (well before it was deleted she could anyway).
I’d like to become a radical furniture re-upholsterer. Seems like it would be a fun hobby…
Not everything you dislike is “nonsense.” @JulianN didn’t come up with the term, its definition, or its social connotations.
I’m going to totally agree with your saying the Church is the mystical Body of Christ. I think it may be time for me to stop here. I’ve got enough blow back on here to last me for awhile. Your absolutely correct that the Church is the mystical (Spiritual) Church.
Argh oh no, not another nebulous worry about how ‘some people’ ‘might’ be committing error’ and ‘being confused’. . .

Now I will go back to my radical knitting. It will soon be World Knit in Public Day and I can do some yarn bombing bwa ha ha
Thank you for confirmation on it’s completely normal to act like an idiot. You’ve nailed it.
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