United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Our Legislative Concerns in the 108th Congress
Socail Development
Benefits for Legal Immigrants: Support legislation to reverse the 1996 welfare reform law that made legal immigrants ineligible for federal benefit programs.
(This is also a priority for Migration and Refugee Services)
Child Care: Monitor legislation to increase funding for child care and improved child care services.
(This is also a priority for the Education Department)
Children"s Health & the Environment: Support of legislation that would protect children, born and unborn, from environmental factors that would endanger their health.
Civil Rights: Monitor legislation that attempts to address disparities resulting from discrimination and bias in all facets of American life.
Death Penalty:
- “Innocence Protection Act” – support legislation to require access to DNA evidence and competent counsel for defendants in capital cases and death row inmates as part of a broader effort to end the death penalty.
- Support a federal moratorium on the death penalty.
Faith-based Initiative: Support for legislation which would ensure a level playing field for faith-based and community-based groups, and new resources to serve the poor, while preserving the Title VII (Civil Rights) exemption for religious groups.
Fair Labor Standards Act: Monitor legislation that would erode work place protections including, but not limited to, 40 work week, overtime, compensatory time, etc.
Farm Bill Implementation: Support full funding of the Conservation Security Program, Food Stamps, and assistance to minority and beginning farmers and ranchers.
Federal Budget: Advocate for federal budget priorities and tax policies that would protect programs which help the poor.
Food & Nutrition\WIC: Work to achieve sufficient funding to ensure all eligible families receive these benefits.
Health Care & the Uninsured: Analyze and track proposals to expand health care coverage to 41,000,000 uninsured Americans, and support proposals that accomplish that goal.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Reform: Monitoring legislation that would protect patients’ rights, especially low income and vulnerable patients.
- Support for legislation dealing with “predatory lending” that would end financial practices which target low income homeowners applying for loans, and other practices which are discriminatory and put low income home buyers at a disadvantage.
- Support new resources to fund the development and maintenance of low income housing through the establishment of a national Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
Juvenile Justice: Monitor legislative efforts to increase investment in community-based juvenile crime prevention programs.
Medicare/Prescription Drugs: Monitor legislative proposals to provide prescription drug coverage and/or broader reform of Medicare to ensure adequate benefits for low income people.
Migrant Worker Benefits: Support fair wage, housing, and working conditions in legislation that affects migrant workers.
Minimum Wage: Support an increase in the minimum wage to help full-time low wage workers to support themselves and their families.
Public Health Reform: Monitor Healthtracking and other legislation that would track infectious diseases affecting children.
Social Security Reform: Track legislative developments to revise and reform the Social Security program, and address viable legislation, if appropriate.
Unemployment Insurance: Support for an extension of the federal unemployment insurance (Temporary Emergency Unemployment Compensation) for those who lose their benefits at the end of 2002.
Welfare Reform: TANF Reauthorization-Support for provisions in the reauthorization of the 1996 welfare reform bill that help families leave welfare for meaningful work; strengthen marriage and family life; and sustain the needy, especially children and immigrants.