Friend persecution is far different than wrath. Persecution is from the world and the wrath will be from God.Really?
Matthew 5:10-12
The Church has always suffered tribulation to one degree or another. The history of the Catholic Church is a history of martyrdom. Catholics and Protestants are, at this very moment, being imprisoned, tortured and killed for their faith in many nations around the world. Are you saying that these are somehow not Christians because they are suffering wrath?
Also, your example of Noah being saved from the flood doesn’t fit your thesis. Noah was indeed saved from the flood, but he still had to build the ark and go through it. Noah and his family were not snatched away to some comfy waiting room while the world was destroyed by water. Noah, as a type, better fits the Catholic thesis - that though we pass through tribulation, if we are faithful to God’s commands we will ultimately be saved while those who ignore God’s commands will be lost.
All the best,