Hey Ex!
You still runnin’ all over this board? I’ll say this, these folks are much more tolerant than a Prot board that I got “cooled” form last week for posting stuff no worse than you are. I’m glad though because it gives us a chance to really talk.
Don’t you ever read anything about the early church fathers, like Ignatius of Antioch & all the rest? I have, & there is no such teaching in their writings…& they were very heavily interested in the Second Coming.
Y’know…Catholics enjoy the authority of the Church to help us stay true to christian Doctrine & practice. (See 1st Timothy 3:15. The Bible says that “the pillar and ground of the truth” is the church…not the Bible. regardless of what all your Protestant buddies tell you…they just plain ignore that passage…and many others as well. I did…they just didn’t fit in w/ what the Southern Baptists & Assemblies of God were teaching. I mean, they just never have a consistent & Biblical answer for “simple” things like the Eucharist in John 6, Mark 14:22-24,
Matthew 26:26-28,
Luke 22:17-20, Luke 24 :30-35, 1 Corinthians 10:14-17, &
1 Corinthinans 11:23-29. That’s most of the context on that topic, but consider than even John the Baptist called Jesus “The lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”. That lamb of atonement was killed & eaten as part of the passover…the type & symbolism shouldn’t be lost on you…you know that Bible too well.
The passages in the NT are clear…one of the things that really brings it home for me is 1 Corinthinans 11:23-29 because Paul says that if we take communion while in grave sin we become “guilty of the body and blood of the lord”…That is not symbolic language at all. Example: If this
is a symbol of me. You can abuse this symbol to your heart’s content and never become guilty of my body and blood. But were you to abuse me by stabbing me or something (not that you really would
) then you would be guilty of my body and blood because I was really present and you did it to me. My point is …it’s impossible to become guilty of His body and blood…unless it’s really there to begin with…
That just pretty much tells me that what the Catholic Church teaches about communion is real, & the Protestant position is not scripturally accurate. Besides…Acts says that the early church met on the first day of the week for the Lord’s Supper…that means every Sunday…yet some our of our Prot friends are lucky to have communion once a month, or even once a year. That makes no sense Biblically.
I feel like that the Catholic belief in the Real Presence is one of the most compelling arguments for being Catholic. It’s so beautifully Biblical…& if we are right, then we have been for over 2,000 years…and all 33,830 plus non-Catholic denominations are cheating themselves out of one of greatest miracles in all of Christianity; and it’s a cryin’ shame.
Well, I love ya brother, so don’t get lost.
I’m C.M. and we’ll leave the light on for ya!